Member Since: 08/06/2007
Pro Tools TDM System
Mac G4 OS 9
Apogee AD 8000
Digidesign 888
Chandler TG2 Stereo Mic Pre
UA 1176 Compressor
Sample Tank MIDI Sampler
Yamaha MSP10 Monitors
Yamaha HS10 Monitors
ADK A48 Large Diaphram Tube Condesor Mic (Vocals)
AKG Perception 200 (Vocals, Room Micing)
Audio Technica AT4040 (Vocals)
Groove Tube GT66 Tube Mic (Vocals)
Shure Beta52 (Kick Drum)
Shure Beta58 (Vocals)
Shure SM7 (Vocals, Voiceover)
Sennheiser e609 (Guitar, Drums)
Shure SM57 (Electric Guitar, Drums)
Shure SM58 (Vocals)
Shure SM81 (Acoustic Guitar, Room Overheads)
Yamaha EMX 88s 400W Powered Mixer
Peavey PR 12 400W PA Speakers
Yamaha BR 12 200W Monitor Speaker
Sonor Force 2000 Drum Kit
DW Snare
Carvin V410 400W 4x10 Bass Cabinet
Behringer Ultrabass BX3000T 300W Bass Head
Marshall JCM 3000 Head with Marshall Cabinet
Fender Bassman Head with 2x12 Cabinet
Fender Bassman 4x10 Combo Amp
Fender Pro Junior Combo Amp
Carvin Vintage 33 30W Combo Amp
Boss Super Overdrive
Boss Loop Station
Boss Flanger
Electro Harmonix Big Muff
Line 6 Delay Modeler
Morley Wah/Volume
Roland EP-7 Digital Piano
Korg Microkorg Analog Synth Modeler
Evan Frankfort at Would Work Sound
( : Evan showed me what is possible on the production end of things when we were doing my album. The most talented musician I know.
Paul Tavenner at Big City Recording
( : Paul mixed and mastered my first EP and has been a great friend and resource ever since.
Glenn Suravech ( : Glenn is a steady source of wisdom and knowledge. Always there with a sharp mind and perceptive takes on recording issues.
Sean Hoffman: Sean produced my 2nd EP and in a lot of ways, I am now retracing that journey on the other side of things.
Brian Irwin ( : Brian is a frequent presence in the studio and is successful producer/mixer who I look to for info and direction.
Sounds Like: Open to whomever and whatever comes in the studio.
Type of Label: Unsigned