American Idol is the number one television show in the world with almost 60 million viewers per week. In just six seasons, it has become a part of the American landscape and a passion to its viewers; a show that has bridged cultural lines, crossed generation gaps, united families and rekindled the American dream—all in a few short hours during each Idol season.Chicken Soup for the American Idol Soul tells the stories that television cameras will never see—true, uplifting and entertaining stories told with humor and candor that will leave readers laughing, crying and feeling moved and inspired.
In this book, those closest to the heart of American Idol—the contestants, the producers, the behind-the-scenes crew, and the fans—share their tales of audition excitement, backstage elation and tears, and lives changed forever. Here is the stuff that dreams are made of—inspirational stories of being discovered, and for the lucky few . . . of reaching superstardom.