I've been married for 7 years. I have 3 adventurous children. Before, I got married I joined the Army at Fort Hamilton, NY. I only served 3 years but my husband has completed 7 years and is now retired. Not only we are high school sweethearts but he's my best friend. We've been through tough times, but we are conitnuing to grow.Im currently going to MSC and I'm loving it. I'm picky about who I am friends with. I block people with a negative spirit cause all they do is drain me. My mentality is to look forward & move forward. I don't like living life comfortable. To me it means you're not growing & stuck doing the same thing. I set short term goals til I reach what I want out of life. No matter how many times I fall,I don't stay down for long. Eventually, I get up & walk it out. I THINK big,PRAY big,and EXPECT big!I know through God anything is possible cause he is my all and all.