Sleeping...Eating...Ganging with friends...Sleeping...Internet...Pets...Will&Grace....... ...Soprano's...48!!!
People who dont have an opinion on everything i say as if i was talking to my hand...Other people who are suffering depression in there life...long lost family...People who shut-up when told...... ..other people who hate Paris Hilton!!!!
Fergie,John Mayer,The Darkness,Arctic Monkeys,PowderFinger,Police,Akon,GwenStephani,Evanescence, Maroon5,AFI,ChristinaAgulira,Adam&Andrew...
Jackass...DonnieDarko...Jaws...PointBreak...Shrek...Nemo...H OMEMOVIES!!!!
Rove,GreysAnatomy,Simpsons,Spicks&Specks,Robins-ons,Wild boys,Jackass,Chaser'sWar On Everything,mTV!!!!
All Stephen King Books... Yea
My Mum, My sisters, Firemen, Me , Airforce, Nurses, And Midwives like me sister TARA,SpiderWoman!!!!!