..So come on, come on to this tradgic affair. Wipe off your make-up what's in is dispair
. . . . .
Ok, so about me......
My name is Anna ....
Ok lets make this short.
I am now 21. I am off to China and then Hong Kong for my travels. Then once I get back exciting things await me. I want to move out. Actually I want to do so much this year - I would love to get my PPL (Private Pilot's License), I want to learn to Skydive, and I now want to go to Africa. Fun, fun.
i would LOVE to get out there and see the world, experience everything. I don't want to die with a house, I want to die knowing that I've done everything I want to do (and I want to do a lot). Life isn't about possessions it's about the stories you have.
i am completely and utterly against animal cruelty, I believe that if people knew what happened to the animals before you eat them, everyone would be vegetarian. As Sir Paul McCarntey once said, "If Slaughter houses had glass walls, then everyone would be vegetarian".
500,000,000 (five hundred million) farm animals are killed for food in Australia every year. They are raised in some of the most horrific conditions imaginable, putting profit before compassion. And there is actually something we can do about it. Yet people don't, WHY? Stand AGAINST factory farming!!!
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a VEGETARIAN diet."
Albert Einstein 1879-1955 Physicist, Nobel Prize winner 1921
i am all for cutting down emissions to help the planet, and doing my bit. I'm all for making Poverty History - it's crazy to think that because we don't live under the poverty line that makes us a MINORITY - insane, it shouldn't be like that.
.........'In Trying times we show what we're made of'........
......"It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do for which we are accountable".......
- John Baptiste Moliere
........"If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one"........
- Mother Teresa ..