um... i work.. sleep... eat... watch tv.... um.. i um.. stall for time... i um... um.. .. watch movies. i... um.. enjoy long walks on the beach... sunsets on the beach.. um.. bonfires on the beach.. i um.. enjoy deep conversations.. blah.. blah.. um.. blah...
people who like to sleep
oh.. um.. i rock it to anything that gets my lame ass on the dance floor. that's the true test of music. if it can't get you to nod your head then what good is it?
way way too many to list, seeing as how the holidays are upon us then i'm gonna have to rate "a chirstmas story" on the top of that list.
books rock.. they burn and keep you warm.. hhhaha. naw.. it's been a while.
one day i'd like to be a hero to my kids... i'll take note from my parents on how to do that.