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"I want to keep going by faith.. For better or worse, my life doesnt look much like my foremothers. But, regardless, I gratefully take w/ me the inherited & life-giving knowledge that GOD & PEOPLE matter. In the end, these are the best building blocks I could have.. These truths are the rails which I sweat, rest, and am learning to RUN!" -Connally Gilliam (one of my fav authors)***~**JESUS**~ (and look forward to the day).. along w/ Emerson, Colin Powell, W & Crick, Max Lucado..~
"I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world."-Mother Teresa
*brother & dad*
~* daily devotionals from Max Lucado (JUST LIKE JESUS), the BIBLE (of course), When God Writes Your Love Story, Revelations of an Independent Woman, Your Best Life Now, The Girl in the Mirror, He's Just Not That Into You, What A Girl Wants, War Against Jerusalem, Revelations of an Independent Woman.
1st, is my LORD & SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. He is every bit of good that has been done unto me, for me, & by me.. He continues to pick me up when I fall & has saved me in every since of the word.. & it is by His grace and mercy that I can have assurance to be w/ Him 1 day eternally.
2nd, since the day that I could conceptualize what a "hero" is, my DADDY immediately took that role in my life & remains to live well up to it. I always thought he could hang the moon & he really would try if I asked him to. He is the perfect role-model w/ an open mind & more character than anyone I can think of. I wouldn't be who I am w/o his guidance, upmost wisdom, faith/ love in me, & the example he sets.. I look for a guy that can live up to the pedastal I have put my daddy on!
I also consider my mom a hero. She has become my best friend & someone who always picked me up & patched up my "hurt." I also can't forget to mention my brother, who truly is my BEST FRIEND. He sees thru my false friends and sticks up for me more than anyone I know. He knows me better than anyone & knows just what to say to make me feel better a/b betrayal, hardship, etc. Our relationship becomes closer as we age... even though he makes fun of me CONTINUOUSLY, I honestly dont know WHAT I would do w/o him. HE is so very special to me & I truly hope to find a guy just like him!!! As my mom has said, he is probably my biggest/ most loyal fan!
B/C of my family, I can have the security to be who I am & not scared of independence! I am blessed by my foundation God gave me!