JUNE 16 2008 the most unique, amazing, incredible,and loving guy asked me out..and his name is ian p*****k walsh.and I have been inlove with this boy since we first talked,and to this day I will never leave this boy for anyone else cause he's perfect for me...ian your my everthing and you always will me my everything I love you. IAN WAS HERE! lol I LOVE YOU MELYNDA!!! xoxo♥ ____________________________ MY HERO IS MY UNCLE MARTY! my uncle marty is my hero because he has always been there for me and my dad and hes a great roll modle.hes been through alot and he still stands tall. oh ya if ure reading this uncle marty ure the best uncle out of all the uncles in the family i love you :) ____________________________ my baby. :)