I'm a misguided child who gets into mediocre trouble just for the hell of it. I've been misjudged countless times by hypercritical folks that don't know anything intelligent if it bit them on the ass. But I put up with them for the time being. I reside in the country side of California, not much of an area to grow up in but its inevitable I can't seem to detach myself from here. But I'm for sure moving from here to spread my wings and to put my future plans into motion. I am far from a photographer or model, I would love to become one, but it'll take more practice and time for me to officially label me as one. "Hence" this is what I'm working on to become. I'm a very greedy child, you can say I'm quite possessive towards the things I love, but I know my limits. I rarely get jealous and if I do, you should be happy its quite the compliment. I'm very nice....actually to nice, to be honest more like a walking doormat. Since I don't have the decency to say no to someone. I hate being alone but I wont go as far as to strive for someones attention. I like myself 45% of the time, the rest annoys me, which I plan to fix soon enough. So to end this nonsense I'm Stacey and I wish I was prodigious.
Summer school
Sandiego 26/June
VansWarpTour 20/Augest
Hawaii june/2010
Paris/London June/2010And hello japan, here I come.