For over forty years, Lance Shabazz has demonstrated loyalty with respect to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah. After the bombing of the Temple in Harlem, New York in 1965, Lance Shabazz took the plastic Help bags and was successful in filling many pouches of money to help in the rebuilding of Muhammad’s Temple # 7. In 1972 at the early age of 14 he began to work in the Restaurant business and after a few years he was awarded a partnership in the Steak & Take Restaurant in Queens. He held security post at the Temple #7B in Corona and later on 116th Street in Harlem on a weekly. Basis. Brother Lance Shabazz also held weekend post in 1974 atThe newly acquired WoodyCrest Center in the Bronx... The news of the passing of theHonorable Elijah Muhammad on February 25, 1975 was the most painful period in my young life. I recall that for many days I did not want to live anymore. I said I didn’t want to live a day with the Messenger not physically present. I would follow the son of the Messenger, Wallace D. Muhammad; I received my name from him (Muhammad Abdul Shabazz) on March 28, 1976. My parents took Ten days to name me at birth, so I figureThey settled on Lance, why not keep it. In the fall of 1979, Brothers Dawud, Russell, Saddiq, and I was walking in Harlem and we spotted some Fruit of Islam BrothersAt the Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building. I convinced them to check it out and we went on the Eight Floor. This would be the first time I laid eyes and heard MinisterLinward X. The Minister was the eyes and ears for the National Representative of the Nation of Islam, Minister Louis Farrakhan. Under Minister Linward X. I was named,Lieutenant, Study Group Leader, Minister, My responsibilities included the Tape Department, recording Mosque Meeting, preparing the radio broadcasts. Minister Farrakhan removal of Minister Linward X, now known as Abdul Karriem Muhammad in July of 1984 brought many future changes. I would assist Minister Karriem in the State of New Jersey until a lie in 1991 charging the Muslim in the Plainfield, New Jersey Mosque # 80 with carrying weapons and Drugs. I knew then that I would never be activeAgain with the Administration in Chicago. I spoke with Brother Munir Muhammad, Business Manager, and Co-Founder of C.R.O.E. The Coalition for the Remembrance of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad... I would become a lifetime member of the organization I would travel with the co-founders, on the east coast spreading the words of the Messenger of Allah. Munir Muhammad suggested the Television program in 2005. The Lance Shabazz Show debuted January 11, 2006Please Visit WWW.LANCESHABAZZ.COMPlease Click On The Picture Below
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