Moya is walking now! She took her first steps on Dec 8, and hasn't slowed down at all! She says Dadda, Mamma, wassat (what is that?), who? and mah (more) Bye, Hi, and everyone's favorite "Zthiggle Zthuggle" Which means tickle tickle. She is a little show off for the camera, and loves to have her picture taken.
And of course she is still fat. She is now wearing 18 months clothes because her arms are so fat. And we have yet to find socks that fit her fat short feet! Uncle Brian bought her the cutest denim dress and I had to rip the seams out on the sleeves just to get it on her!
We are about to celebrate her first birthday, which makes me want to cry. She is no longer my baby, but my little girl. stars layout powered by HOT / ..