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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I got this awesome profile image from!Im a divorced mother of 2,former Marine,very independent person. I have my own place, my own truck and my own harley that i will not share with anyone. i shared with my ex for 15 years of marriage and all it got me was divorced and hurt. Now i live each day for my kids and myself, others dont see it like that but it is the way i do things and they roll well with me,I would like to date again but the guy will have to get used to me as i am and not try to change me cause it wont happen it took me to long to get where i am and sometimes im not happy with it but hell its mine not a lot of women that have been in my shoes and have gone where i have gone or seen what i seen can say that and i will walk tall and keep my head up.

My Interests

More Comments @ GiveMeLip.comwhat intrests me is being with my kids. I dont get to much anymore because they are growing up now way to fast for me. I also like screwing off i dont want to act my age i cant see myself as getting older just getting better,
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I'd like to meet:

FEEDINGTHEDESIREi like to meet people who have fun and like being themselves. dont try to impress me im not judgementful when u r truthfull
I got this awesome profile image from!


Myspace Commentsanything with a good beat and that i can understand
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MyHotComments :: HotFreeLayoutsi like any movie that has a lot of blood in it


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i like csi, forensic files and anything else with blood and guts


Graphics & Layouts i dont get to read much anymore but i like books written by john saul hes a good writer
Graphics & Layouts


to me my heros are my older brother and my father. Both were marine war vets. My father ww2 and my brother vietnam. I lost my father a while ago and i miss him he was my best friend. My brother now is and i live in another state and dont get to see him much. I respect both of them and they are the reason why i joined. Also i have a lot of respect for the men and women who are overseas right now fighting for our freedom. FOR THOSE WHO FOUGHT FOR IT FREEDOM HAS A FLAVOR THE PROTECTED WILL NEVER KNOW,
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Posted by betty on Sun, 13 May 2007 09:42:00 PST