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Welcome To William's Page
Sir William
16 years old
New York

About Me
I am a white Persian with yellow eyes. I was born in the Bronx and was adopted when in NYC when I was six. I lived there for about five years and did the normal things a kitty in the hood does...... sleep, piss off my neighbor by eating her plants and throwing up (being a Persian I prefer to throw up on Persian carpets-but any will do), chasing the occasional mouse. (Yeah, I know I am pretty but I am a tough kitty from the Bronx) We moved to Juneau, Alaska where I lived for about a year. I got electrocuted constantly on the carpet with my long hair. It was cold, and the birds were three times my size. I now live in Texas. I have CRF (chronic renal failure) and am not expected to live longer than 2-6 months. I spend my days in a rock garden or sleeping. I currently get subcutaneous fluids daily. (not fun, but I do get tuna afterwards)

My Interests
General: Mice, Tuna, Salmon, Top-grade nip(before I became ill)
Music: Stray Cats, soundtrack from Cats
Movies: Cats & Dogs
Heroes: Mr Tinkles(from Cats & Dogs), Blofeld's cat(the white Persian in 5 or 6 James Bond films), Mr Bigglesworth(from Austin Powers)

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