I thought of my father last night and this is what I thought.....MY FATHER. My LOVE for you stays STRONG, my RESPECT for you GOES far, my TEARS for you will NEVER stop. Rest in peace doesn't say enough I know you watch over me and I dream of you often. One day you will be there waiting with a proud smile only a father could have and I will be your little girl again. 1/05/06 was the worst day of my life, The day I lost you. I wanted you to stay but you had to go,I watched you fight to stay but it couldn't happen. They say your happier there but could you really be without your children? One day I will see. 10/5/06
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Faith Evans - Again -- Video provided by VideoCodes4U
Your grand baby saw your picture at my house today and she wanted me to send you a picture of her.. I had to tell her you were in heaven. I know you would of had a big smile on your face when you got her picture in the mail. I wish you were here. 11/12/06
In a few more days this time last year was the beginning of my worst fear. The man who I love the most was in the hospital. I was on my way to work like a normal day and the cell phone rang my sister said my dad was in the hospital. I turned around got my things and drove to their state. I cried most the way. He had to be okay. Over the next few weeks I had to travel back home once or twice. One time I got a call he was worse I came right back..jumped out of bed sick and in my same sweats I had left in the day before and drove back. I cried in his ear to please wait for me...my sister said he heard me. I never stayed far from his side again. I WANNA YELL TO SOMEONE.. OKAY WE LEARNED OUR LESSON. WE WATCHED HIM SICK.. WE HAD A SERVICE..WE PUT HIM IN THE GROUND. WE REALIZE HOW MUCH WE STILL NEED HIM! We just want him. They say time heals all...BUT NOT ALL. A year later and it still hurts like hell. I miss him more. I wanna see his smile, I wanna hear his laugh and I want him to want to see me too. 12/07/06
My FATHER..... One day we'll be together again. 1/5/2006