Friends, Computers, Cars, Shopping, Sushi, Working out, Chatting, Family, Cuddling, Blockbuster Nights, Traveling, Smiles
The man of my dreams. Oh wait....I already did. I love you Vartan!!!Have you ever been in your car or in your room listening to music....and wondering if anyone else were listening to that same exact song as well.... I'd like to meet them.I'd also like to meet the amazing individuals in this movie... the most profound and enlightening movie ever created!
I'll seriously listen to anything a couple times and then decide if I like it or not. I enjoy mostly Top 10, Dance/Techno and Electronica (BPM on XM!) I also enjoy listening to classical music with my baby!
The Secret, Pulp Fiction, Titanic, Mouline Rouge, Interview With the Vampire, Brokeback Mountain, Finding Neverland, The Incredibles, Finding Nemo The Secret To You
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I don't watch TV anymore. I use to watch MTV, KTLA, E!, NICK@NIGHT, VH1, and FOX. Once in a great while I'll watch Discovery or History Channel with my squishy
Think and Grow Rich, Winning With People, The Slight Edge... I also got this new massage book to learn how to give great massages!
My sista Maylisa :) We learn and grow so much together! Anyway....Haha!