Abstract Art profile picture

Abstract Art

About Me

It's just me, Daniele Primavera, that in my house composed song with computer. I never play some struments and i can't play. I don't know the music and read it, but is my bigger passion. i do music at ear. Is my dream do music for movie, video.... I like all kind of music, don't think that i've some preference, just music that give me something, emotions, thinks...This passion is born many years ago, when i started to buy original soundtrack of movies. The first i remember was Braveheart music of the great master of James Horner Bye at all and very thanks for the visit me!

My Interests


Member Since: 07/06/2007
Band Members: Daniele
Influences: So much...
Sounds Like: href="http://www.pimp-my-profile.com/"

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / M.c. escher

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