After spending most of my life in the entertainment industry (you can catch me in Rags to Riches episodes, the educational film I Am Joe's Ear, and some very bad movies and cable shows that shall remain unnamed), I decided to make a career change and go back to school. And yes, I really was as a Disneyland performer, which for some reason seems to impress the heck out of several people. Ah, the stories I can tell.
As for my writing, my young adult fantasy Breach of Worlds has been accepted for publication with SynergEbooks, as well as my adult fantasy trilogy the Teadai Prophecies. Desert Magick: Superstitions, the first book in my adult paranormal fantasy series, is doing well and just snagged an award. I recently finished the second book in the series, which I hope to have published by the end of 2009. Teens can check out my award-winning novel The Mask of Tamirella.
I live in the Arizona desert with my very supportive husband, our insane parakeets, and numerous wild critters that frequent our neighborhood. I have written several novels and am currently at work on another.
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