Tabletop, turndowns, indowns, old school no handers, no foot can cans, 360's. Making good clothes someday. Drawing, making interesting stuff. Pushing myself. getting up early but its hard. Aversion bmx me and sam have got going! Im so happy about it.. lots of batch's on their way.! sam is the best drawer ever! Futurama is a mega treat. Apple make the best stuff ever. I love it. Im quite into dancing. Partying. sometimes im into going to clubs and dancing like napoleon...well trying and watching people try and dance seriously is proper funny. im kinda over it at the moment.
Inspiring people True people great guys
I like Metal, SOme Punk... millencolin.. some Blink 182, Hardcore... comeback kid...smashing pumpkins... Starsailor... Turin BRAKES.. Coheed and Cambria....Pennywise rule....Rise against are fucking geniussi.. Kelly Clarkson was in but now not so in. but not out. fallout boy have a nice acoustic number. yellowcard are quite happy! metallica are good. slayer and pantera. finding reason haha fuck yea! alkaline trio are very good.
Donnie Darko,Butterfly Effect, Napoleon Dynamite, Shaun of the Dead, Lock stock and two smoking Barrels, Snatch, Layer cake,crash, little nicky, joe dirt!, shrek 2, guess who, sin city is visually perfect, DIsney shizzle...ALladin, Little Mermaid... I can show you the world..
I wish i had a massive dick and could read. My brother got me a book called ' is it just me or is everything shit?' its funny.
My heroes ive just recently realised are my buddies. The people that do stuff day to day that i watch and think that they are doing good stuff. People like Gav who has one hell of a love for Riding BMX and trying to be the best he can. Sam for also loving bmx , riding in such a cool style and wanting to do stuff all the time, not to mention he is a really descent geezer too! Aversion BMX coming soon.. fuck yea... People like Jamez who has fulfilled his life long dream of being a bum,... but still does so much to help like his family and friends! Buzzard is one of my heroes cuz i he is back on his bike after the injury of injuries and the fact he is amazing but i always forget till he does something nuts! I reckon Jim baud and Max from horsham are my heroes cuz they always do stuff on their bike that gives me butterflies when im just watching!treats! theres loads more but do u have all night?