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i like running track i guess hanging out with my niggas and his friends da fly gangstas or ma fly bitches
Pimp My Wordsm@ cr@zy b!tch d33
D!s r!ght g!rl h3r3 @lw@ys sp3aks h3r m!nd n0 m@tter w@t. b!tch3s ar3 h3ll@ j3@lous 0f h3r c@us3 sh3 got w@t th3y w@nt @h@h@[email protected] @ny w@yz ! t3ll h3r 3v3ryth!ng c@us3 i knw ! c@n trust h3r no m@tter w@t
m@ b!tch n3n3
D!s !s m@ s!st3r n l@w. ! @ls0 t3ll h3r 3v3ryth!ng.3v3ryb0dy th!nks sh3 @ll n!ce n qu!3t but th!s g!rl !s @ b3@st th@ts y ! l0v3 h3r dumb s3lf.b!cth3s b3 h@t!n 0n h3r 2 c@use th3y n!gg@s st@y on h3r l!ne but th@t @!nt h3r f@ult sh3 !s jus do!n h3r.
m@ funny b!tch sm@sh
th!s g!rl r!ght h3r3 !s m@ y0ung funny b!tch sh3 st@y k33p!n m3 l@ugh!n @ll d@y l0ng th@ts y ! l0v3 h3r s!lly s3lf. but jus c@us3 sh3 !s young dnt m3@n she !s w3@k th@t g!rl !s ab3@st @lw@ys sp3@k!n h3r m!nd @nd sh3 st@y r3@dy 2 Sm@sh on 0n3 0f u w3@k h03s ! m3@n w3r3 do u th!nk sh3 got d@ n@m3 sm@sh fr0m
to be honest i'm dont wanna meet nobody cause i found the love of my life
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its okay go head speak
i like to listen to my nigga mac dre all day u already know crest side or my husband rydah .j kylde thizz bitch
treal t.v, daddy day care and much more
veronica mars, degrassi, boy meets world, gilmore girls, luguna beach now da hills and some other stuff
i don't read much i rather jus spend time kicking it with my boo
ma son aka lil reek daddy better known is butta ball da baby fly gangsta him so prettymy daddy and da big cuddie mac dre