So I'd like to meet...Daft Punk (the wizards of melodic yet tough French House music), Madonna (the most headstrong, adaptive, and "in-tune with her image/message/career" woman in pop music EVER), The Prodigy (fuckin' masters...nuff said), Chemical Brothers (the British big beat pioneers man!), The Crystal Method (pure, genuine, made in the U, S, of A, American Techno!)...DJ Irene, Bad Boy Bill, Richard "Humpty" Visson (Those three set new levels for house music), Al Pacino, Uma Thurman, Frank Miller, Ice T, Osama Bin Ladin (with my blood soaked thumbs shoving in his eyeballs, while he screams for my American mercy, which I won't give since I'll be insanely laughing all the while...yesssssssssss,), and my boy George W. Bush (Yee-Haw!!!...the only cool thing to come outta Texas...) Sorry Texas friends, but with the exception of your 5 major cities...Texas sucks :(