Wha Gwann pOn diZ eee-dee-Ot site?? [lOl] In Other wOrds...WHADDUP MY SPACE? I see yOu`ve sum hOw landed On mah page...and I wanna thank yOu fa stOppin by. Jus take ya shOes Off and make yOself at hOme. Newayz..I was subsequently givin da name CHRISTINE =). The lOrd placed me On this earth, Tuesday, NOvember 7th, 1989. I`m bOrn but livin' in CT [unfOrtunate??....YES!] Well, sOme Of mah Other infO iz pOn di siDe. But Overall, yOu cud say I`m jus a cOol, funny, gOd-lOvin and fOcused yOungin` reppin MO BAY, JA and da class Of 'O7 tO da fulLest!! Jus tryin tO live lyph tO da fullest, and nOt tO da fakest! WEll, BLah BlAh BliBbidY....u caN hiT mE Up iF u waNna...I dOn`t dicriminate...SO I`ll make frenz wif NE1. SOoOo .... hOlla aTchu gUrl!! RemEmbA tO kEep dAt SMILE On yA FacE nD cOntinuE tO pRaise dA lOrd fOr hiS mArvelOus wOrkz..GOD BLESZ!! =)
R.I.P [Grand]Papa-SUNSET: MAY 12, 2004-
R.I.P Uncle Sparrow-SUNSET: SEPTEMBER, 2006-
R.I.P Briana I do and always will love you so much babygirl and I hope you are in a better place. You are no longer suffering anymore on this earth. No one will ever fill the place that you've seemed to brighten in my life. I will never 4get our groupie-in-denial times, your gracious smile, and all the above. It's unbelievable that you're gone but I will never 4get you and you are 4ever missed.-SUNSET: NOVEMBER 19, 2006-
------------------ ------------------ "Pray abOut everything, wOrry abOut nOthing"--Philippianas 4:6 ------------------ ------------------
[NIV]--"If anyone says, I love God, yet hates his brother, he is a liar.For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen."--1 John 4:20 ThiS iS a gud reaSon why every0ne Shud St0p da hateration becuz it iS truly unnecesSary. But we shOuldn't even have a reasOn; we shOuld all try tO get along with one another and stOp the antics, because in gOds eyes, we are all equal.
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------------------ ------------------.:: IN YA EARZ ::. eVerYOne ||| EveRyThiNg..Ooh sNap..iT'z dA bEst Of dA iNfamOus LeadAmerica cRew..hOollAa =) dEstinY, DecisiOnz, nD chOiceS--cAmp 2o06Get Your Own! | View SlideshowOoo yEs...dA iNfAmOuz 'o6 cAmpErZ =)
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nD b4 ya gO, pLz tAke My qUiZ!..