i like to spend time relaxing. everything moves so fast and happens so quickly. my niece and nephews are growing up so fast. it doesn't seem like there's ever any time to kick back and chill. i hate feeling overwhelmed and busy. i need to find a way to free up some time to do some relaxing activities to counter all this stress in my life. a person can only take so much. maybe some outdoor ativities like fiiiishingggg weeeeeeeee~!
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i don't hate. i like almost all genres... omg, except country. there is only one place i am subjected to such music and it's at work. crazy co-worker LOVES that shit. why!?!? how?!?! i don't know. BUT, it's growing on me.... yiKes! i kid, i kid
whatever's good. chick flicks. scary movies. foreign movies w. english subtitles.
currently being tivo'ed or will be in the fall: grey's anatomy, heroes, prison break, las vegas, brothers & sisters, the real world, will and grace, october road, the black donnellys, the girls next door, top chef, will & grace, & others...
the harry potter series, angels and demons, the da vinci code, message in a bottle, memoirs of a geisha, the 5 people you meet in heaven, the lovely bones, a tree grows in brooklyn, a wedding in december... I NEED SOME RECOMMENDATIONS!
my mom... for too many reasons to list here. aside from religion and worhsipping a god, my mom comes damn close to being someone i'd worship in such a way. she's so damn interesting and amazing! i mean, i don't feel this way because i think she's perfect, cuz she's NOT. more so, because her generosity and dedication far OUTSHINE her imperfections. her imperfections just show me that it's okay to make mistakes, as long as you have a good heart and good intentions. i love my momma!