Kimbers farting skills. drums. fuzball. fuckin shit up. beer. family. skating. wine. cheetos and snickers. laughing hard. pulling nose hairs. water. bullshitting. pain for pleasure. slapping asses. hard alcohol. shows. straddeling. i basically like to have a good time.
just friends that absolutley LOVE these following things:UPLOADING PHOTOS, ADDING FRIENDS, POSTING COMMENTS, EDITING PROFILES, POSTING BULLETINS, AND READING BLOGSya know, just fun stuff like that
i love music. hey check this shit these guys will tickle your ears in seconds
uh.. no thanks
uh.. i'll pass. thank you
uh.. i'm current reading the celestine prophecy. my mind is getting fucked everytime i read a chapter. and i enjoy that
uh.. food and water.