Wanna Audition?
1. Auditions are in BLOGS. And blogs only. If you comment here, it'll be deleted.2. You must change your RP name to the person you want to be3. I will reply if you got it, and if you don't then your blog comment will be deleted4. Auditions are in para format, and must be 5 sentence or more.5. You must audition as the character you choose. You may not ask if you can be that character, only audition.6. In order to audition, you must add the account. Rules:
1. This is a PARA roleplay group. Can't para? Don't even say a word.
2. You must cause at least the slightest bit of drama. It's an RPG, it's what it's for.3. You cannot change names, faces, etc. I created it, you play by it.4. You must be on at everday. (unless a good excuss) Or I can, and will replace you.5. Give me your link within a day and an hour, or I'll say buh-bye (:
8. Have fun.(: