Michael profile picture


Oh,Death was never enemy of ours!We laughed at him,we leagued with him.No soldier's paid to kick aga

About Me

I am Michael Philip Shuluk, a Junior at the University of Arizona. Over the summers I currently live in Lake Forest with my dad and Laguna Beach/Paradise Valley, Arizona with Meine Mutter...most of my good friends live in either Lake Forest or RSM...AIM = PlsticCupPolitcs-....I'm very simple and I value several things in life. I've always had an interest in the United States Military. (My best friend is in the US Army) I have a small number of true friends and I expect that to never change, but who knows? You could be the one to open my eyes to world I've never seen, or not.And then there's my whole career path; my life goal is to become a United States soldier, and I've decided that becoming a soldier is more desirable/attractive than any other career. From this experience I hope to gain the skills necessary to further my career in either my step father's new business or pursue life working for a PMC (Private Military Corporation). I belive in blind loyalty to one's nation and any sacrifice for America I consider to be held above all. I have no problem protecting my fellow Americans, because that is what I figure I am here to accomplish.Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity.

My Interests

The United States Army. Love. Fast Cars. Baseball. Videogames.(Athena&PWN1NG)

I'd like to meet:

The girl next door, and someone who can understand the order in which I wish to live my life, and love me nonetheless. And Tom Hanks, I like Tom Hanks.


I will make it easy: Blink 182, Alkaline Trio, Weezer, The Beatles.


-- Black Hawk Down. Equilibrium. Nightmare Before Christmas. LOTR (extended). Amadeus. The Lion King. The Corpse Bride. Wes Anderson. Children of Men. The Punisher. Reign Over Me. HOT FUZZ. 28 Weeks Later. Transformers [(giant robits fighting, what more could a man want?)trick question; Megan Fox]. 3:10 to Yuma. Fight Club.


History Channel, Military Channel, Comedy Central. Frisky Dingo. Gerhard Reinke's Wanderlust. Statler and Waldorf.


Above all: Tolkien.Paradise Lost.Generation: Kill. Spartan. Cyrano de Bergerac. Fight Club. The Club Dumas.


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My Blog

The People That I Love.

These past few days have been kind of depressing for several matters, but also very exciting. The leaving of friends, family etc. but also the gain of something new. I just would like to make a s...
Posted by Michael on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 02:38:00 PST