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11/4/07 Hi, all. I am terribly excited. A few days ago I learned that my latest book, Living, Breathing Lies placed as a WINNER in the USA Book News Best Book Awards for 2007 in the African American Fiction category. It is not a pulitzer, but it is definitely recognition for a book my previous editor told me to not self publish or take anywhere else. I count this win humbly as a blessing and extend appreciation to those readers who have stuck with me along the way.Hi. I am a fiction writer with nine titles to my credit. My titles include, Living, Breathing Lies (6/07), If There Be Pain, What's Done in the Dark, Distant Lover, The Honey Well, Promises to Keep and Shades of Jade. With the release of my latest title, Living, Breathing Lies, I am returning to the self-publishing arena. Why? Because my last editor wanted me to write more commercially, which meant more sex and more drama. Believe me, my writings are not exactly virginal, but what I write is more character and issue driven than sex and drama driven. For you readers out there who have read any one of my titles and liked them, you know what I mean. For you readers who do not know me, I hope you will drop onto my website, www.gloriamallette.com to check me out.