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I am here for Friends

About Me

A recent survey of North American males found that 42% were overweight, 34% were critically obese and 8% ate the survey.
when the time comes to leave, just walk away quietly and don't make any fuss.
DR?GS -no. ruin your own life. D?INK -yes. I'm no sheep though. S?X -yes. when i feel i want to, there's no rush.
i used to say i was straight-edge but only because i wanted people to think i was "cool" or "different" only want-to-be's need to tell you they are straight-edge.
I'm not vegetarian.
i like Manga and Anime, i like computer games. what the fuck does that have to do with you?
i mean shit, if i like something then i like it because of my taste. why does it matter if i found out about it through some one else? they don't own it + how did they find out? someone still typed the information on the internet, doesn't that mean they found out from some else as well?
if i don't like you I'm not going to pretend i do i will be polite because that's nice but i don't like you.
People who should be shot.
â—‹ Fascist thugs
â—‹ Religious fundamentalists
â—‹ People who write lists telling you who should be shot
Fame is a by-product of doing something else. You don't go to a restaurant and order a meal because you want to have a shit.

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