LifePlace is an organization committed to bringing change to a hurting and broken world. At LifePlace we strive to be known by the love we show in our community. You were created to love and to be loved. We want people to know that their life matters, no matter what walk of life you come from. We want people to know that hope is real and that help is real as well. We need each other; we need people; we need community; we need relationship; we need God. There are all interconnected, and it flows in both directions.Hope is real. Help is on the way.It's all about the destiny God has for us. It’s about the mission God wrote on our hearts – enabling people to live a God first life. It’s about those who are not yet here. It’s about those whose lives are stories of tragedy and hurt that God is about to start rewriting, and those whose stories have not yet even begun. It’s about all kinds of people – from all walks of life and with all sorts of pasts. God wants US to help them find a new Author for their story. We are a part of a story that is much greater than ourselves. Reaching those people that God loves so much will take outrageous faith, selfless sacrifice and our full commitment.The future pages in this story are being written by the choices we make today.
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