Koray T profile picture

Koray T

About Me

Koray Tuncel who was born in 1979,has been performing as a Professional DJ since early 1999. His interest in Electronic Music has started when he noticed the beauty and power of electronic sound(s) at the age of 16 and developed his interest in this music successfully since then He started his musical journey as a good listener by listening the Acid House CD’s which were ordered and brought into country by his friends from European countries and continued his career as a Professional since 1999 as mentioned above. Initial part of his performances has begun by playing at several house parties and at the clubs owned by his close friends despite the fact that his musical interest was focused on Jungle music at the beginnig. He joined the team of FUNKY BUSINESS PRODUCTIONS in 2001 and began to work both as a Web Designer and also as a DJ at the same time.He concentrated on his musical career as a full time DJ when a club named KEMIK was opened and he performed as this club’s Resident DJ as long as KEMIK CLUB remained open. KORAYT kept his close relationship with team FBP in the following years and after closure of KEMIK,has started to perform at JOY KEMIK BEACH CLUB at Cesme,Izmir.He also performed as the guest DJ at all the other parties that were organized by FBP and also places such as SEASIDE CLUB. During this period,he co-worked with JOHN OO FLEMING,16BOMID,%100 Isis,ANTHONY PAPPA,DJ REBECCA,DAVE SEAMAN,DANNY HOWELS,MARIO PIU,SANDER KLEINENBERG,LEE BURRIDGE,GEORGE ACOSTA,PARKS&WILSON,DJ STANLEY,TOM NOVY,SAHAR Z and such to carry forward his musical vision and personal experience. FBP continued its operations and organizations at IZMIR BOX EVENT HALL once JOY has closed its doors,FBP kept working with KORAYT for all relevant organizations and KORAYT has worked for main and Warm Up performances during this period at all parties. KORAYT has focused on TECH HOUSE and Progressive Sound in recent years and with closure of FBP,he actively joined his friends during the opening procedure of a new club named ELEKTRONIK and worked as the resident DJ at this club where he developed and become more experienced with TECH HOUSE and PROGRESSIVE Music there. He did not leave his founder members of ELEKTRONIK even after its closure and they stayed and performed together at KUSADASI at several apperances while he also kept working at DANCE FLOOR CLUB and then moved on to COFFECO CLUB at Cesme during the same summer season as its resident DJ there. KORAY T has temporarily stopped his musical career to start his Military Service in 2004 and after his 15 months of service,he re- started his musical works at CLUB DEJA VU with his friend BULENT TELEK. During this new era,KORAYT started to look for new sounds to include but not limited to,ELECTRO,ELECTRO HOUSE,ELECTRO TECHNO MUSIC. Among the several clubs and other places where he has performed all those years,folllowing names are included…Izmir Cube,Izmir Trends,Istanbul Stone house,Roof,Pasha,Bodrum Lion,Marmaris Neverland,Marmaris Beach Club,Music Temple,Olu deniz Help beach club,Cesme Manhattan,Ankara Twin Towers,Istanbul Secret,Fuar Atlas Pavyonu,Izmir Roi,Marmaris Baykus,Istanbul Auf Cesme Joy,Cesme Coffeeco,Izmir Baseroom,Izmir Box,Izmir Kemik,Izmir Neo,Izmir Nicci,Bodrum Halikarnas,Cesme Otto and more. At the present time,KORAYT has been actively mastering and playing music such as MINIMAL HOUSE and MINIMAL TECHNO HOUSE but also the effects of HOUSE and TECH HOUSE in his music are to be mentioned...

    My Interests


    Member Since: 06/06/2007
    Band Website: residentadvisor.net/dj-page.aspx?id=661
    Band Members: Koray Tuncel; 1999 yilindan beri profesyonel olarak dj’lik yapmaktadir.Elektronik muzige olan ilgisi 15-16 yaslarinda bazi elektronik tinilari yakalamasiyla basladi ve gitgide gelisti.95 yilinda Yurt disindan getirdigi acid house cdlerle dinleyici olarak basladigi muzikal hayatina 99 yilindan beri profesyonel olarak devam etmektedir. Ilk ilgisini ceken tinilar jungle icerikli olmasina ragmen djlik kariyerinin ilk adimlarina ev partilerinde ve yakin arkadaslarinin kluplerinde basladi.2001 yilinda Funky Business Production’in bunyesine girdi ve fbp ile birlikte hem djlik hem de web designer olarak calismaya basladi.Kemik isimli klubun acilmasi ile Dj’lik meslegine agirlik verdi ve klubun acik oldugu butun sure boyunca resident dj olarak gorev aldi.Ilerleyen zaman ile fbp ile yollarini ayirmayan Koray T, Kemik’in kapanmasinin ardindan Cesme’de açilan Joy Kemik beachte calismaya devam etti ve fbp’nin ayni dönemde Seaside ve benzeri mekanlarda gerceklestirdigi tüm partilerde performans gösterdi.Bu süre zarfinda John 00 Fleming,16B Omid, %100 Isis,Anthony Pappa, Dj Rebecca,Dave Seaman, Danny Howels,Mario Piu,Sander Kleinenberg,Lee Burridge,George Acosta,Parks&Wilson,Dj Stanley,Tom Novy,Sahar Z,Greg Vickers ve benzeri pek cok isimle birlikte performans gösterdi ve müzik vizyonunu ilerilere tasidi.Joy’un kapanmasiyla Izmir Box event hall’de organizasyonlarina devam eden Fbp, bu organizasyonlarin tümünde Koray T ile calisti.Burada da tüm organizasyonlarda main ve warm up Dj performaslari gösterdi.Bu yillarda Tech house ve progressive sounda yonelen Koray T,Fbp’nin kapanmasinin ardindan, arkadaslari ile beraber Elektronik adli klübün acilmasinda katki gösterdi ve burada Resident dj olarak çalisti.Ayni sekilde tech house ve progressive sound üzerine yogunlasti.Ayni dortluyle birlikte Elektronik isimli klubun kapanmasinin ardindan Kusadasinda da beraber olan Koray T,Dance floor isimli mekanda calismalarina devam etti ve ayni yaz sezonunda Cesme Coffeeco isimli mekanin resident dj olarak çalismaya basladi.2004 Subat ayinda askerlik görevi nedeniyle müzik hayatina ara veren Koray T,yakin arkadasi Bülent Telek ile birlikte Deja vu isimli mekanda meslegine kaldigi yerden devam etmeye basladi.Bu dönemde yeni soundlara yönelen Koray T’nin müziginde electro,electro-house,techno gibi soundlar bulunmaktadir.Izmir Cube,Izmir Trends,Istanbul Stone house,Roof,Pasha,Bodrum Lion,Marmaris Neverland,Marmaris Beach Club,Music Temple,Olu deniz Help beach club,Cesme Manhattan,Ankara Twin Towers,Istanbul Secret,Fuar Atlas Pavyonu,Izmir Roi,Marmaris Baykus,Istanbul Auf Cesme Joy,Cesme Coffeeco,Izmir Baseroom,Izmir Box,Izmir Kemik,Izmir Neo,Izmir Nicci,Bodrum Halikarnas,Cesme Otto ve daha pek çok parti ve klüpte performans gostermistir.Su anki muziginde minimal house-minimal techno hakimiyeti olmasina ragmen house ve tech house muzigin etkisi de gayet hissedilir bicimdedir.
    Influences: Mozart, Richard Strauss, Brian Eno, Trevor Horn, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Bob Marley, Queen, Police, Talking Heads, JJ Cale, King Crimson, Robert Fripp, Kraftwerk, Basic Channel, Maurizo, Rhythm&Sound, Ricardo Villalobos, Chez Damier & Ron Trend, Green Velvet, Ultraschall & Lester Jones, Daft Punk, 808 State, The ORB, Robert Johnson, Ata, Sven Väth & Frankfurter Schule, Bang to the Drums, Underworld, Plastic Man, Omar S, LFO..
    Sounds Like: Minimal House, Minimal Techno,Tech House,
    Type of Label: Major

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