heres the story
you can catch me doin the most outrageous and off the wall stuff
but dont get it twisted its all legal
Im often hyper late at night
always random
I cook quesdillias at 12 at night
and meatloaf at 3 in the morning
I've been reading since I was 2 years old
played almost every sport
tennis, soccer, basketball, softball, swim, volleyball, and golf
I Love to dance and am I hardcore DANCING WITH A STARS ADDICT i record it
and sometimes even watch it a few dozen times...
I can chacha salsa ballet jazz tap
Been on stage since 3
performing at the Del Mar Fair 5 times before the age of 4 as a dancer
did theatre and improv in high school for the last 3 years
I am also a recovering reality show junkie
needles use to scare me
I am type 2 diabetic which means yes I am insulin dependent
since I was 16 I've lost between 60-70 lbs
I am determined to be a business culinary arts nursin whiz by the time im 25
God.Family Music. movies theatre, travel, poetry, cooking, scrapbookin, acting, singing, dancing{salsa hiphop ballroom tap..etc}, sports { soccer, tennis, golf, basketball, volleyball, swim, and hockey } the beach, campin, reading, & writing ..
God is my first interest and i would hope it is in your life I am a proud memeber of the church of christ of latter day saints AKA mormon as of october 21 2006 No I am not wife number 50 i would murder the rest so i can be number 1 and no i dont have 12 children. However it is by far the as of now the biggest accomplishment im my life. Since Ive joined Ive meant so many amazing people and made some wonderful changes I am a much more calmer and more tranquil person then I was before. Whether you like to believe it or not there are some great people out there and through this church i met a good number of them
Music I <3 music...Slow Jams are my favorite but I love oldies rnb hiphop salsa dancehall rock easy listenin. I love em all even classical i know what your sayin what the fawk well i listen to it when i cant sleep or when i go to the opera
Movies, I love going to the movies of all kinds comedy true stories epics scifi you name it but theres one kind i really dont like HORROR! That stuff scares me super bad its pathetic ima big baby. I know its not real and all that but for some reason I am still super scared all the time so if its suppose to be scary and i am no where near scared that movie is poopoo super suckie. Back to my likes I love comedy my favorite comedy is My Big Fat Greek Wedding that movie is sooo hilarious and reminds me alot about my family. I also do like musicals favorite musical has to be Mary Poppins and grease those two more so mary poppins cause i would love a bottomless bag i could literally bring my sister on a trip and no one would know yes i know im weird but WHO CARES! I like epic movies I loved 300 super dope movie and Eragon ever since i saw that movie i wished that dragons actually exisited but oh well. True story my favorite has to be let me ponder aah yes akeelah bee I use to be super book nerd when i was younger.
POETRY I love poetry both writing and reading it, I didn't start writing till I was 12 years old I kinda of fell onto it just started writing and someone said oh you write poetry I was like I guess I do now. If your curious as to how many poems I've written I would estimate and this is no joke 500,000 poems a majority I have thrown out I am always disliking my work although several people say I am insane but its true what they say " You will always be your toughest critic" I am living proof of that.
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EAR CANDY Wiz Khalifa my baby daddy haha!
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