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MySpace Surveys - Have You Ever
Had Detention: Yep
Got Caught Doing Something Illegal: No way im a good girl!!
Kissed A Person Of The Same Sex: On the cheek
Loved Someone: i love evry1
Eaten Something From Japan: no
Drank Alcohol While Your Parents Were Home: yh....not a big deal
Toilet Papered Someones House: nah
Played a Prank On Someone: yep
Screamed Very Loud In The Library: no
Been in a Commerical: not yet
Went on a Rediculous Diet: lol yh...how stupid.
Bought Something Way to Expensive and Threw Away the Reciept: yep
Fell off Your Roof: ermm no
Pretended to be Cold so you could Cuddle up to Someone: nah..
Had a Dream come True: yep
Got into a Fist Fight: once lol
Asked someone out that you Barely even Knew: nah i dont do that
Went on a blind date: no....dont need 2
Been out of the United States: yh i live in England...but iv been 2 the USA
Laid Outside and Watched the Clouds: yh wen i wz lil...
Had a Tea Party: yh wen i wz lil lol
Used a Fake I.D: yep
Hated the way you Look or Looked: errm no
Hated the School you went to: yh bt i miss it now!
Cried your Self to Sleep: wen i wz lil and cudnt get my own way.
Laughed until milk came out of your Nose: errr no
Written a Letter to santa: yep...and i still didnt get my pony
Seen a Ghost: i think i have.
Gone Skiing: not yet
Cried so Hard you Laughed: yh lol.
Laughed so Hard you Cried: yep
Slept Naked: wot do u think.
Gone Skinny Dipping: no yet
Liked an Animal: no way.
Rode a Horse: yh
MySpace Layouts and MySpace Surveys at MakeYourSpace.com!