Hiya folks, I'm a 43 year old Jebus Look-a-like (Homer-ism) ha ha...
I'm a long time Vegetarian,
I will deny not one form its right to life.
I am the modern day equivalent of the kind of rebellious Ne'r-do-well's and street musician's that in the late 1800's/early 1900's became the Originators of a Style of Music we now label as Pre-War Blues or more accurately, just plain old Country Blues...
They were also sometimes known as Hot Jazz players, some were known as Vipers because of their association with and use of "Hemp Useful AKA Cannabis Sativa".
Which they used for it's Time Distorting effects, (according to Gene Krupa and Myself at least).
Enabling myself and them to easily fit in extra notes or leave them out affecting the time signature and feel of the Music they played.
In truth Music is created not by the notes you play but by the gaps you leave between them...
Their Legacy was their Music !!
It's melodies / vocal styling and Syncopations went on to Influence ALL the Musical Genres that have followed...
Even including their own as it actually evolved...
I am a street Musician, an old style Guitar Tutor and performing solo artist... Who for the past 20 months has had his career as a Musician de-railed and almost ruined...
Every single one of my guitars were needlessly damaged by moronic police officers using disrespectful and inconsiderate bully boy tactics during a raid on my home looking for the Public Enemy No.1 "The Herb"
I am at Present awaiting sentence by the Corrupt British Legal System, who are using knowingly fraudulent and illegal Act's to prosecute myself and many other good people like me...
Needlessly making criminals out of us for nothing more than growing our own medicine...
Because the Government will not re-legalize it,
Allowing us free and legal access to it. OR :- (and this really takes the piss out of the many Professors of Psychiatry(Lester Grinspoon Head of Harvard psychiatry, WHY'S he a 100% Advocate), all the professors of Biology, Chemistry, Economics, and everyone else involved in the painstaking research into harmless Cannabis Sativa, that have already been paid for and completed...
By their continual and systematic Ignoring and rubbishing of the Findings of Fact, and even more digustingly their failure to even accept that Cannabis has ANY Medicinal value whatsoever!
I'm telling you it has!!!
(regardless of what you lying b'stards say)
i know this, because it helps me...
I for one personally find this governmental cover-up disgusting in the extreme, and no amount of placation will ever shut me up...
Because i am fully informed on this subject, i am aware and have been for 18 years, of just exactly what the governments lies are regarding this issue...
One thing is for certain though, the result of it's re-scheduling back up to class B on the Dangerous Drugs register, against the instruction and wishes of the actual Governmental research body set up initially way back in 1971, the very same body that helped make it illegal in the first place, they recently re-conducted the studies and that found NO HARM could be derived from the consumption of hemp/cannabis in any manner...
That is how crazy it's gotten, the Government wont even listen to it's own experts, and even states the opposite findings as facts...
this is a glaring case of a disgraceful waste of public funds... Including wasted police man hours when they could be solving victim crimes, as opposed to victimless crimes like this... The only victim in this is Me and those like me!!
What the hell is the point of employing the country's top experts in their respective fields, to do a job they are very highly skilled and experienced at and also very well paid to do, if they are gonna take no notice??
Actually going AGAINST their expert advice and ignoring completely the advice given by them... That it is in fact a Harmless substance with many positive health benefits, to a great many sufferers of some very serious and in some cases life threatening diseases...
This doesn't just smack of incompetence, it is plain downright negligence and abuse of power, of the highest order...
If this was to happen in any other business in the world the whole of the board would be sacked on the spot...
But because the media are in their pockets and refusing to report the true Findings Of Fact, the Truth about this remains buried under a pack of cowardly lies...
This is an absolutely disgraceful state of affairs...
For any paid Public Servants to be committing a known fraud(crime) and for there to be no willful means, by which to bring them to account for their misdameanors...
This is, and make no mistake, a crime of astronomical proportions being perpetrated against the better interests of the British Public...
This will mean that large groups of people with curable diseases people will go to their graves instead of being treated and returning to beneficial employ...
While Cannabis remains on the
Class B schedule of dangerous drugs no more research can LAWFULLY be carried out to ascertain whether there is any benefit to society from it's inclusion in medical treatment... This despite thousands of years of anecdotal safe use amongst nearly every population, culture and continent in this world...
As It stands now it is Re-Classified B
(a substance of no medicinal value) ??WHAT SORT OF A SICK JOKE IS THIS?
I like the majority of self medicators can't afford to pay the inflated street prices caused by the Governments needless and ongoing witch-hunt...
and i am suffering accordingly,
becoming a burden upon the state once more...
as my symptoms become worse and my condition degenerates...This shouldn't be allowed to happen but it is doing...
I am disabled for Gods sake...They knew the truth 20 years ago!!The proof has been put before these suited up No-Marks, many many times...
The case for Cannabis' complete and utter safety and many and varied benefits has been made...
Yet the Government ignores it...
and i and others are suffering accordingly, becoming a burden upon the state, yet they ignore our plight...Blindly Re-Disinforming us All, continually, against the advice of their own experts... and mountains of credible research of the governments own studies...
And ignoring the views of countless people, who know their own bodies and minds as i do, much better than an out of touch, negligent, deaf and Inconsiderate Protectorate...
I believe i am being made a special case for prosecution because of my long term position regarding Food Hemp...
And for daring to attempt to bring out the truth about Food Hemp to a much wider audience...
I'm a Truth Disseminator,
Conspiracy Fact-ist and Advocate of Science Fact
and have been for 20years...
Who believes in Truth Above All - even if it bruises feelings and egos.
I have been described as brutally honest and i have paid the price
(loss of friendship) accordingly...
I do it gladly because i know and stand up for what i know to be right and proper
not for what is best for the Pharmaceutical Corporations who made their names using prisoners of war as guinea pigs during the Second World War....
It is a dangerous position to be in when you are right and the Government is wrong...
but what else can i do i am compelled and proud to do what is right.... felonious monk
...I Wonder What My Legacy Will Be? at Present it Seems to Be the Cack Handed Way i Manage to Turn Good Intention
into Un-Intentional Offence.
I Wont Lie To, Or For Anyone.
...There Have Been Too Many Lies Told Already and We Are in Real Danger of Becoming the Race that Cried Wolf.
I hold naturalness to be a virtue, in all the things i do or enjoy :) music, food, expression, interactions, relationships, conversations and living of course...
I truly believe that life can and will only get better for us all, when we learn to fully respect the earth and ALL those upon it... Animals, Fish and Mammals included, because we are all part of a vast chain... And if in our irresponsible actions we damage any link in that chain suffering is visited upon us all...
When we begin to rely less upon the products that do the Earth and our fellow man harm, through choosing wisely and with consideration when we shop... Using consumerism (which is the fastest vehicle for change we have)... we will eventually force a change in the methods used in the name of profit, by companies who quite plainly do not care... About us, our future, or this Planet...
And i'll tell you how i know this...
A few years ago me and a mate went into Sainsburys superstore and asked why they had no Hemp Oil, we took it in turns to go in and ask different store representatives and managers, over the space of a week... After much searching the shelves to no avail they stocked it...
The first lot didn't sell too well and we ended up buying 10 of the 16 bottles at a knockdown price, and as soon as we had we did the same again and now they stock 68 hemp products and more every week...
They will sell us whatever we want to buy... So make a point of buying one Hemp product a week and make a difference... Tesco's own brand is called GOOD OIL in big letters on the bottle, not organic but they also begrudgingly now stock that also.... ha ha... Now they sell out without our help... Hoorah for me and Kenny...
When we begin treating nature to this kind of respect, who knows, we may just find it might forgive us for what we've done already...
After all, it is what sustains us...
and it has to continue to do so, for all our childrens sakes...
They do say -
That you don't know what you've got
til it's gone...Lets just hope it doesn't have to go that far...
Surely as a race, we are intelligent enough to be able to see this? If not, then it won't matter if we die out...
felonious monk
Here Are Some Videos Recorded By a True Gentleman, and a Good Friend of Mine,a Fellow by the Name of Vic,of the Valvetronics fame...