I'm a singer/songwriter and feel grateful that I can actually do this. Songs are like any other form of art, they're about communication....of ideas, thoughts and feelings.
My songs are not subject driven. A song can be about anything...an apple, or the next door neighbour, or India, or anything. I believe that the song is about the statement that you're making. And if I can be clear about the statement of the song then I find that it makes writing it more straighforward.
I've always written songs. I grew up listening to the wireless....to Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Ella Fitzgerald....real singers. Then to the Everley Brothers, Bobby Vee and Elvis. Then came the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Kinks and the Animals.
I was 15 years old and got straight into an R&B band at the local youth centre and felt at home right away. I left school in the 60's and auditioned with bands in London until eventually drifting off into other things for a few years. In the 70's I linked up with a friend in Brighton, and we wrote songs together and recorded. Great fun but we never got that all important break.
In the 80's I was in Blackburn, Lancashire and writing with a disperate, loose bunch of musicians who sometimes performed but mostly didn't. Some of the songs I wrote at this time I still perform. Life then took me off to a few other places and I finally came back to serious writing and performing a couple of years ago. I'm just doing it for myself. If people like the songs and can connect with them in some way then that's great. And if they don't then that's ok too. I'm also a painter and there's a small gallery of some of the paintings on the site. If you want to buy then just message me. If you come to one of my gigs then say hello. It's always good to meet and talk about music.
Thankyou for coming by my 'space' Message me or comment and I will always get back to you...Cheers Peter