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About Me

whats going on, hi, the name's Jenna 23 years old on October 11,2008, living in california. I'm definately not your average chick, I'm by far the most random person you'll ever meet.-say what I want, whenever I want &to whom I want. I was in a car accident 6 1/2 years ago, which basically took my life, now I just use my wheelchair (yup ya'll are jealous of my wheels. I go to physical therapies, walk with a cane & a lil limp like I am a pimp, but I don't have any men (tear/tear that no one wants all this woman). I go to junior college and will graduate this year if I pass all of my classes. Okay, enough is said, if you would like to know more, feel free to ask, I am a very open person, don't take offense to anything;hell you can make fun of my wheels or my chunk... Have you ever tried a VANILLa HEAVEN(vanilla vodka mixed with diet coke), it is my drink of choice & damn it is good, I know I should be a bar tender, but once you get some of that vanilla heaven, you will literally be in heaven-great for us bigger people, it tastes good with no calories. k, I am a big girl, but trust me boys, that means there is way more of me to love and duh, with all this I'd def.rock your world better than some skinny bitch.(Large and incharge babies). For those of you who care, I have a big heart & love everyone who is a good person. I am 1 of those annoying females who complains how fat I am, but I drink and am always eating, so I am your typical heafty person. So with me, you know you'll be kept fed & have a beverage (beer). k, so my life was completely diff.before my car accident in 2002, so I realised that we take everything for granit & all that I really want is a husband right now (besides my therapy to improve) & tho I was always independent, now I just want a man to love me & be with me forever (sad doubt that will happen). Life throws us all curve balls from time to time & we need to try to hit home runs instead of just striking out. My goal in life is to help others who got in a bad accident & tell them how I get thru it (sure I have my bad days, like everyone & their mama's, but I wake up every morning & thank the LOrd for keeping me here on earth). I just graduated Ventura College May 20,2009 & walked to get my diploma with my "pimp swag/limp"

My Interests

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I just tell myself that I'm pratically married & my man is outa town on a long journey somewhere but in reality I have no one & in all honesty, I may never have one.-tear/tear yes sir it is quite sad when no man wants all this woman. I have found a few men I would like to marry (don't choose just 1 because they prob.don't wanta marry me). Basically I love everyone & that's a bad trait to have because I get taken advantage of quite often.I a tall black man-don't really know why but I've been attracted to black men forever. But I am far from picky, so I'd like a guy (any color)who'll sit in front of the fireplace with me & who doesn't trip as I stuff my mouth with pizza & drink a cold beer.-I know I am a thick woman & really boys it doesn't help when you guys tell me that my beer & pizza are going straight to my thick thighs, that just makes me want to eat more, okay? I'd spoil the hell and simply love "my man" so I guess now all we gotta do is find a taker. I just enjoy being around people-love everyone as long as they are good people.I am single again & boys it is not good to lie to your lady, that will leave you alone and feeling like damn... k, I must sound racist kinda, but far from being racist. But really as long as you are a good-hearted man, you are okay in my book. I am like a man in the sense that I don't spend hours getting ready for the day, don't need nice/expensive resturants to go to on dates, and I enjoy other things men tend to love (self explanitory). I fall in love fast, so if you take me out & treat me right, then it could be love. I actually recently found a new love-he is so handsome, educated, has a job & treats me right in all the right ways, but he doesn't love me, so my heart is basically crushed right now (I'll never get over this guy). Hate how most guys' I fall for take complete advantage of me, just since I care for others so much. I'm basically looking for a man who has "heart" & who cares about more than just materialistic things & who is doing his thing with a good head on his shoulder.-is that too much to ask for?href=" QuY29t" target="_blank"> ..

My Blog

Capybara look at this strange looking odd creature-a capybara.-it is a giant rodant, he swims and everything. Melissa & I are going to have a show & we ...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 16:16:00 GMT

Posted by on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 16:13:00 GMT