Gilmore profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Aside from hosting a radio show Monday through Saturday from 3p-7p on 92.7 and 96.9 WRRV (you can listen online at, I'm an excellent swimmer, an oil change fanatic, and I don't like wearing white socks in public. IE: If I'm going somewhere I'll have to remove my shoes, I like to wear some sort of colored, striped or argiled sock. I also have the most beautiful baby girl in the world. Sorry proud parents. I'm sure you have cute kids...but seriously...not as cute as my little girl!

My Interests

Sick Puppies and Free Hugs! I like crashing electronic shopping carts... ..

I'd like to meet:

Meet? Maybe just walk in on...


Pearl Jam AIC SOAD Radiohead NIN Coldplay Nirvana Foo Fighters Greenday Incubus Smashing Pumpkins My Chemical Romance Sublime Rage APC Everclear The Clash Jimmy Eat World Modest Mouse STP Offspring Strokes Death Cab...


Haven't seen a good movie in a while...that could be due to my lack of movie-going.


Lost, 24, Sopranos, Entourage, Prison Break, When the Hell will Da Ali G show be back!?, How I met your mother (guilty pleasure I guess), I also like to watch Oprah faint in Africa and call for Peirre sparkling water...I love Water.


Books make great coasters! I read Doc Gooden's Autobiography in 8th grade. It was written before all the drugs and the no-hitter. If he were to add that stuff in now...I'd read it would probably rock!


My baby girl Izzy! The guy who invented BBQ sauce! And The guy who finds a cure for poison ivy...when the hell will that happen!!!?

My Blog


This Sunday, I'll be taking part in the 1st annual Lupus walk in NYC to help raise funds for The Lupus Foundation of America.  I'm walking to support a cause that is very close to home for m...
Posted by Gilmore on Fri, 16 May 2008 08:30:00 PST

The Catch!

I'm friggin angry as hell that the videos of "The Catch" I keep posting, keep getting pulled off the web by the NFL.  No hate on the NFL...but c'mon man!  I'm stoked and want to put this thi...
Posted by Gilmore on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 03:12:00 PST


We beat the Pack in Green Bay!  I'm stoked!  Go Big Blue! 
Posted by Gilmore on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 05:06:00 PST


It's coming...and right on my birthday!  YES!  Check out the trailer in my "interests" section.  It looks farking awesome.
Posted by Gilmore on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 03:07:00 PST

Dog Puke

Yesterday my dog, Gracie, puked twice.  Both times, there was a very large pile of moist puffy dog puke...where am I going with this?  I just found out that she devoured a box of mallomars a...
Posted by Gilmore on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 03:43:00 PST


So, I was just accepting some new friend requests and read this on someone's "about me" section..."I can honestly say, there is not one thing to be thankful for".  Fuck that!  Suck it up!&nb...
Posted by Gilmore on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 01:57:00 PST

Doogie Howser

Here's the link to check out NPH's wicked Halloween costume.  Doogie rocks!  Now known as Barney...or Swarley...from How I met yo Momma.
Posted by Gilmore on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 02:52:00 PST

Anna Nicole...Ick be warned....this is was taked shortly after Anna Nicole Smith died.  Ick.  Here's the link.....
Posted by Gilmore on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 01:21:00 PST

For my Mets fan friends...

Just a little something to maybe make you feel better...or worse.,8816,1667340,00.html...
Posted by Gilmore on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 01:43:00 PST


If you're like need lots of beauty rest and didn't get to watch Letterman on Friday night...This is what happened...I LOVE DAVE!  He shits all over Paris Hilton in this vid.  L...
Posted by Gilmore on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 01:30:00 PST