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WWW.UVME.BIZ/367251Hello My name is Koney, Thank you for stopping by at my myspace page. I want to introduce you to a opportunity that is free during prelaunch.UVME is going to be a huge social networking site, with online gaming. Millions has been spent to bring this business to life, and we are able to capitalize on this huge trend. Copy and Paste link into browser above and join with me and I will show you how easy it is to build this business. I am a online marketer with major success. You can earn a fulltime income from this business. So watch the videos to the left and if you see the opportunity as I do then join with me and lets get the party started. Sign up from link above then send me a email and I will get you started for free on building your business. Folks, this is a no brainer , This business is in prelaunch and is allowing us to build a business before it even opens its doors.Social networkingOnline Gamingall tied togetherIt’s YOUR turn to get a piece of the action... position yourself in front of the three fastest-growing business trends in history!Still not a member of uVme? - go to or copy and paste into your browser free of charge...This Is VERY IMPORTANT! Please Read This and Act Today, Before You Miss Out ...The information you’re about to read is VERY IMPORTANT.There’s Something BIG Coming!Imagine having a crystal ball a few months before MySpace or YouTube were launched, and someone also told you clearly how to make money from these sites.Would you have been interested? Probably not, but we bet you would be if you could go back and take the opportunity now?Now you have the chance to put that right and get in on the next and quite possibly what could be the last real unique evolution of the Internet! (Yes we know you probably hear that sort of thing all the time, but this time we truly believe that it is true...)Although mediums like MySpace or YouTube are still growing, the opportunity to make money from them is no longer very easy, simply because now everyone sees the opportunity, and they are trying to profit like the first guys did. No chance!It was and always is the people who take advantage of these opportunities while they are in their infancy who make the Big Bucks!This is called "First Mover Advantage"These people always seem to be in at the beginning. This time, you are getting the heads up on something that will revolutionize the Internet and take it to the next level.The opportunity for you to have the same kind of success as these great entrepreneurs is now almost here... but only if you take action.We are on the Verge of the Next Evolution!First came the Static Internet.Then came Web 2.0 e. g. Blogs, MySpace and YouTube, sites with their contents evolving by user input.NOW: Web 3.0 which has been called Social Marketing by the revolutionary company that is about to launch it!Now is the time to lock yourself into a position that can make you and your family very, very comfortable for the future.There are no ifs or buts, this evolution is going to happen. It’s getting top Internet marketing people very, very excited.Originally code named eVo Project E-Play, uVme is about having a lot of fun and possibly the best thing since the invention of the Internet itself. Now that’s BIG!EVOLUTION DAY TOOK PLACE ON JULY 15, 2007!Until recently this was a ’HIGHLY CLASSIFIED’ new income opportunity!... When we were first shown by the company founders what they were going to do, we got VERY VERY excited!Fortunately we are now able to blurt out all the details to you.How many times over the last few years have you looked at the success of some of the ground breaking ideas introduced to the Internet that have made many people VERY rich, and thought, "We wish we had known about that before it launched"!Well now is your chance to correct that. But only if you act now!This is going to be a great ride for anyone who is serious about building a substantial and long term income.First Mover Advantage is not about just jumping on board the train and enjoying the ride. It is a working passage to the land of opportunity and you are being presented with the opportunity to grab a ticket for this journey.Millionaires Will Be Created!There are people out there today, going about their daily duties, with no idea that this time next year they could be one of the new breed of online millionaires."You Heard About This Today! PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE IT!"Having said all that, you need to get registered into the pre-launch system so you will receive up to date information on the project and the launch etc. We urge you to register now - free of charge and under no obligation!By doing so you’ll be amongst the small percentage of people in the know and who actually take action, and ultimately have "First Mover Advantage" as the uVme Launch Day races towards us.Request the information now before the launch even begins, and tell everyone you know that history will be made and lifestyles will change for those who Take Action NOW! If you aren’t one of those willing to take action, you will be another one of those that will wish they did...The Next Internet Evolution! Who I'd like to meet:Copy and paste this into your browser to Pre-register for free and more informationWWW.UVME.BIZ/367251

I'd like to meet:

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Sport center, punkt, made, pimp my ride, real world, viva la bam, jerry springer, TLC, anything I can learn something new from ...and um...yeah PORN!!!3


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