About Me
WHAT IS NONI®?Ancient tradition and modern research both testify the power of the Noni Fruit. A must for those concerned with overall health and wellness. Noni is a fruit created by God, and our company, Tahitian Noni International® has developed a system of distribution to turn the fruit- into a juice- and bring it into your home. Such has companies like Motts® and Tropicana®. What makes our company so significant is that this fruit is the most nutritionally valuable of all fruit, and cannot be sold or put on the shelves of stores with products which are not within its league. The Tahitian Noni Nutritional Supplement® is distributed by individuals who understand the value of this magnificent fruit and are available 24/7 to meet the needs of their customers, especially those in physical and/or mental distress. Noni begins to work on the body IMMEDIATELY. No Prescriptions and No Side Effects.The Tahitian Noni Nutritional Supplement® is impossible to duplicate. We are the only company with a patented process which enables the fruit to remain in its natural nutritional state while turning from a whole fruit into a juice.
French Polynesia is the most abundant source of naturally grown noni in the world, which explains why our product is proven to be so effective in helping individuals become healthier.Noni is the name given to the fruit (Noni's scientific name is Morinda Citrifolia) by the natives of the French Polynesian Islands meaning- A gift from God.
Doctors and Scientists have discovered over 150 different Neutraceuticals in the Noni fruit grown in the French Polynesian Islands of Tahiti. A neutraceutical is the opposite of a pharmeceutical, it is found in nature and contains the natural substances needed to aid the body with its natural healing abilities. Examples of neutraceuticals are vitamins A,C, & E. In places where pharmeceuticals are not sold, including the Islands of Tahiti, natives use the healing powers of the most natural resources- plants and fruit to help heal and aleviate numerous physical and mental ailments.The Noni fruit grown in TAHITI is harvested in Black Volcanic Soil therefore is power packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients (neutraceuticals) which assist and combat a wide range of medical conditions ranging from Asthma, Allergies, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Cancer, Obesity, Addictions, Mental Disorders & Depression, Acne, Respiratory problems as well as many others. Individuals do not have to be sick to benefit from this fruit. If your health is a concern for you, you can always use increased energy and a boost in your immune system. The Tahitian Noni fruit has the highest concentration of antioxidants known to man due to the pristine environment in which it is grown.**TAHITIAN NONI SUPER BLEND**TNI Introduces TNJ & Black Currant- Limited time only!
Be the first to try the new Black Currant flavor!TAHITIAN NONI® Juice with Black Currant is a refreshing, proprietary blend of TAHITIAN NONI Juice, black currant juice, raspberry juice, and apple juice.Rich in antioxidants and additional health benefits, TAHITIAN NONI Juice with Black Currant is the first in a new line of super juice blends that will all come packaged in our 500 mL sculpted bottle.Black Currant, Raspberry, and Apple Juice Blend
- Contains flavonols to support the body’s defense system
- Rich in antioxidants that help fight against free radicals
- Supports a healthy heart and cardiovascular system
- Contains polyphenols, which also act as powerful antioxidantsTAHITIAN NONI Juice
- Cholesterol-friendly
- Supports the immune system
- Increases energy and physical performance
- Delivers superior antioxidantsVisit:
www.tni.com/2422124You may have seen or heard our name- TAHITIAN NONI INTERNATIONAL® Keep reading to find out who our company is and how you can benefit from what we have to offer you and your family. The lives of millions of people are changing on a daily basis.
Due to the tremendous health benefits of the Tahitian Noni fruit, TAHITIAN NONI INTERNATIONAL® understands how important it is for people to have healthy alternatives to the everyday products they use. When visiting our website, please view the ingredients in all of our products to find out how they compare to those you currently use.As individuals like yourself become familiar with our company, we will create the most recognized BRAND in the Health and Wellness Industry. We currently operate in 73 countries, support 65 languages and have 48 offices worldwide. You may have never heard of our company, but as our growth continues to penetrate the U.S., we will become as familiar to you as you are familiar with every other brand name company that has ever existed. Accept no substitutes, TAHITIAN NONI INTERNATIONAL® is the original.HEALTH AND WELLNESS:Economists have predicted this industry will be over a One Trillion Dollar Industry every year going forward by the year 2010-- About 2 years from now. Millions of people are taking their health more seriously. The current $400Billion dollar a year industry will generate over $600Billion dollars -more- in revenue as more and more people are willing to do whatever it takes to remain happy, healthy, in shape and maintain overall well being.After thousands of years of research and 11 years of being shared with the world, the Noni fruit has become what the discover channel has labeled "The Greatest Nutritional Discovery of a Lifetime".You may have already agreed that your health is important to you-- continue to educate yourself on the benefits of the Tahitian Noni fruit and how it may help you achieve levels of wellness & fitness no other fruit can. Our products stand for nutrition and when you think of health and well being, the first company that will come to mind is TAHITIAN NONI INTERNATIONAL® Try it for yourself. You'll see.In our efforts to create brand recognition, we are building Healthy Cafes, Lifestyle Centers and Restaurants all around the world, which feature all natural, healthy food items and drinks-- More and more people are consciously making better health choices. People are paying closer attention to what they eat and drink, taking better care of their bodies, are living longer and experiencing greater lifestyles. Healthcare is a reactive measure- The Tahitian Noni Nutritional Supplement® is proactive. Noni now, or prescription medications later. The choice is yours!Without your health, you wont have, do or be much for long. Fast food restaurants are constantly changing their menus to keep up with the industry.In our establishments, all of our items have at least one ounce of the remarkable Tahitian Noni fruit in them. Here's a look at some of our menu items:The unhealthy brand, Coca Cola® is the most successful company in the world in terms of distribution. With the aid of the Entertainment and Vending Machine Industries, Coca Cola® has been able to BRAND their products right into the refrigerators of BILLIONS of homes AROUND THE WORLD. Following a similar approach, TAHITIAN NONI INTERNATIONAL® is partnered with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) to produce a number of additional films over the next 5 years, our film, "The Legend of Johnny Lingo" was picked up by the producers of SHREK and MINORITY REPORT. All of our movies will suggest our brand and people everywhere will learn how they can become healthier than what they already are- with our help.A bottle of our flagship product, the Tahitian Noni Nutritional Supplement® is distributed every 1.6 seconds.For more information on how to become an independent distributor with Tahitian Noni International, please visit: www.tni.com/2422124 and click on opportunity or send an email through mysapce or to noniworksinfo@aol.com.We do not recommend you become involved in a partnership with us until you have been using the supplement for at least two weeks and have noticed the significant difference in your health.Distributors receive percentages of all restaurant, cafe, vending machine and movie revenue.In 2006 alone, we were featured in over 1,000 news articles and periodicals, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes Magazine, Vibe Vixen Magazine, Iron Man Magazine, Success from home, as well as many other publications. We are also listed as a juice therapy in the 2003, 2005 and 2007 Physicians Desk references.We hope you found our page informative! Please feel free to contact us! Your time is greatly appreciated.In the News - TNI