where am i?
adventurin', ballin', beveragin', flailin', brown baggin', collectin', drawin' craftin'! discussin', & jokin'! books, boots, documentaries, comrades, biological warfare, making a scene, newspapers, lists, hitler, stories, stealing, dictionaries, code words, TINA! VIDEO LOGS! -- everything and nothing at all
90's music, gotta love it. crass, dr. dre, ed gein, jenny piccolo, johnny cash, leftover crack, napalm death, neil perry, pigeon john, spazz, tears for fears, the locust, twodeadsluts onegoodfuck, usurp synapse ... etc etc
aladdin, encino man, fubar, not another teen movie, spun, superstar, the aristocrats, wayne's world, zoolander
my so-called life, ready or not, south park