MY FIANCE, CRIZII! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!XXCreative art, spinning records, cuddling, big hugs, gaming( I
My ARt is on deviantart, Check it out!!
My lyrics and voice are featured in a tune produced by mistic! check out my music page!
Deep in the Mist is also featured here on my dj page!
Everyone is in this catergory. I love meeting new and interesting people. This world is too big for me to limit myself with friends. I have met my ASR Family! They all have been big supporters of me and I love them dearly.
I love all types of music. Music makes me happy. Music can take you anywhere you want to go eg. childhood memories, last week, or into the future. Music stimulates your emotions and can literally put you in a better mood or just in chill mode. I love big band music, 60's, 70's, drum n' bass, jungle,florida breakz, intelligent, deep house, punk, and classical. I don't limit myself with just one genre. Music is my life. If the the band or singer has a great sound and mad lyrics, I am there. I love originality. People I like: G-Dub, BabyAnne, DJ Icey, Fixx, Ak1200, Roni size, shyfx, pascal, Klute, hazard, twisted,Spor,Bjork, Beatles, Janis Joplin, Hole, Cure, Jimmy Hendrix, Thursday, Sanctus Real, Thousand Foot Krutch, Luti-Kriss(now formally known as Norma Jean) 311, Bob Marley, Grateful Dead, phish, james Taylor, U2, The Get up Kids, Scadaddles, Blink 182, Unwritten Law, Nirvana, Counting Crows, Pearl Jam, Sting, Halo Friendlies, Pixies, Zwan, four non- blondes, Pink Floyd, Forever Never, Wilco, Flyleaf, sugarcult, halifax, Rage against the Machine, NIN, AFI and I will add more later.
Music Girl
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What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Edward Scissorhands, Pretty in Pink, 16 candles, The Green Mile, Proghecy, The last Unicorn, Legend, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Gidget, Pride and the prejiduce, Blue Crush, Finding Nemo, Meet the Parents, Brigadoon, outsiders, Escaflowne, Jet Li movies, Eternal Sunshine, Hellboy, and many more. I just love watching movies. Nothing beats renting a few movies with some kettle corn and lounging.
Don't watch much, haven't had cable in 13 years. If I do watch TV at friends houses: I love to watch animal planet, style, home channel, history channel, cartoon network, family guy or anything my friends put on.
I love Pierce Anthony as a writer. Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books. Jane Austin is one of my favorite writers. Anything I find interesting. I love how to books and science books. Knowledge is the key to overcoming obstacles so I try to fill my mind everyday. You can learn from life and others.
My mom plays a big role of an independent woman. My sista, jill, my bruvas, Caige, Alex, and Jacob for without them, I wouldn't be whole. I learn most from her. CRiZ, he is an inspiration to me! Joan of Arc and Esther Williams are two of my all time favs. I am sure I have more. Anyone who can cheer me up is an hero. Friends that are always there for me.