used to be called Broomsinstock. Jacob played bass clarinet (not bass) and Casey played drums and made noise.
we then took a random brake for no reason at all. we just did.
then we realized that we were bored every night cuz all we did was go drink hot chocolate at Rockwell's back when Rockwell's (or dare i say, COCKwell's) was cool, cuz Cody worked there.
it was during this period that we began to remember the days of old (September - December '06) when Horrible Noise would get together every night and play for fucking hours on end into the night and record every damn second of it. we remembered how good it felt to just fucking thrash and let out all that lonely boredom that had driven us to sit on our asses and drink coffee at Rockwell's along with Teen Mania preppies and YWAM motherfuckers until we got too hyped up on caffine to sleep!
therefore, BATFUCKCRAZY! was born from the boredom of living in Lindale, Texas, the malice toward all those lame-ass Teen Mania and YWAM wanna-be-hippies and preps, and the energy of all those Horrible Noise and Broomsinstock (and for casey, Dead Cowboy, which has long been defunct) sessions of playing killer music until the break of 3-in-the-morning and recording every minute of it everytime we even thought of picking up drumsticks, tuning up a bass (or de-tuning, or just not worrying if it's in tune at all cuz we still owned), and utterly destroying the sound barrier with epic tunes of devestation and joy!
my friend, BATFUCKCRAZY! is not another mere noise-rock band, nor is it yet another bass-and-drum is a blessing to this town that has practically nothing left in it.
dear reader, i bid thee...listen to BATFUCKCRAZY! and perhaps you too will start a gnarly band in your inbred hometown.