-PC Games -PS Games -Comics -Anime -Novels -Acting -Dancing -Mime Acting
Everyone..xcept aliens and ghost huhahahaha spooooky!all actor n actress at the Hollywood,Koreanwood,japawoood n all wood but not playwood..ESPECIALLYYYY!!!Bakal AWEKZZZ gue le...kasi up skit..bakal MENANTU Abah n Mama gueeee..bile le leh dapat?..kat mane le hang erk?
-Rap -Rock -Pop Dance -RnB -Classical -Contemporary -Funk -Hardcore
-Windstruck -Matrix trilogy -Grease -Soal Hati -Gangster -Jackie chan Movies -Jim Carrey Moviesand more
-Who's line is it Anyway -Wanna Come in -Wade Robson Project -MTV -PUNK'D -KING OF THE QUEEN
-Oxford Dictionary-Six lessons b4 Acting by Richard Boleslavsky-Macbeth-Hamlet by William Shakespeare-King Oedipus by Sophocles-Salina by Dato A Samad Said-Alang Rentak Seribu by Dato Syed Alwi-Ahadiat Akashah Novels-50 tips how to lose a weight(damn good dowh)
-Nabi Muhammad S.A.W! -My Family -All Heroes in our imagination world huhahaha..SUPERMAN,SPIDERMAN,BATMAN,The FLASH,POWER RANGER,KELUANG MAN and what MAN MAN laaaaaa