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About Me

…wanna try… bungee jump, sky diving, surfing, free climbing, swimming with dolphins, rafting, water skiing, snowboarding, to dive, elephant riding… …wanna see… Route 66, Florence and Italy villages, Egypt, Scotland, Tibet, Siberia, N.Y. from the top of the Statue of Liberty, Ethiopia, Moscow - in the winter, Sahara, Niagara’s Falls, Cuba, Prague, Malta, Alps, Groznjan, Motovun, Sarajevo, Dubrovnik, Split, Moon, and jungle… …what makes me happy… Spekulas, rain, walks, EXIT, music, freedom, sunsets, silence, swimming, cooking, sound of SMS, friends, when someone says ‘Hello’, and smiles, snow, Moon and stars, writing letters and mails, camping, open-space parties, when I feel that I’m loved, when someone gives me butterflies, sound of the fall off leaves, making jokes with my younger sister, spinning poi, when Zare sings, traveling, when I wake up next to the person I love, new shoes and bags, when I see old couple holding hands, Isa&Bisa (swans), when Sarah says: “Keka…”, weddings, little things that make life worth living, making photos, forest… …wanna be… UN ambassador and calm and peaceful person. PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

someone amazing... & Rade Sherbedzija & Oprah & Ellen Burstyn PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


My Blog

I need to feel free like a wind that used to carry me

Jao choveche, ponovo nered u sobi! Pitam se kada sledetji put otvorim vrata sobe, o koju gomilu tju se spotatji  vesha ili knjiga? Knjige vetj mesecima skupljaju prashinu na podu sa kojeg je davno sk...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 14:32:00 GMT


Mi smo manje ili vise skloni da osudimo one koji mnogo govore, narocito o stvarima koje ih se ne ticu neposredno, cak i da sa prezirom govorimo o tim ljudima kao o brbljivcima i dosadnim pricalima.&nb...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 23:48:00 GMT


For 27 years I've been trying to believe and confide inDifferent people I've found.Some of them got closer then othersSome wouldn't even bother and then you came aroundI didn't really know what to cal...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 10:42:00 GMT

mira stupica

Ovo gore, na vrhu, ova glava, to je nas marketing. I ona, za one oci od prekoputa, u izlog stavlja samo ono najlepse. A sve sto nije kvalitetno gura po budzacima. I kad dodjes do tog stanja da mozes d...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 13:41:00 GMT

na obali reke Pjedre sedela sam i plakala

Svakim danom sve se vise udaljavamo od samih sebe, prepustamo da nama ovlada onaj Drugi. Drugi je ono sto su me naucili da budem, ali sto nisam ja. Drugi veruje da je covekova obaveza da provede citav...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 09:11:00 GMT