~Arina da' ChEekY SmiLE MeoWoaH~ profile picture

~Arina da' ChEekY SmiLE MeoWoaH~

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

you can call me rina..a.k.a rina cayang yg comey.. hik hik.. a very totally absolutely love talking and shopping so much.. but im not the type yg selalu keluar (is it?.. well tak selalu sgt la!). can be very naughty and nice, but can also be very garang one. especially in that kind of mood.. hmm garang.. not garang la kot.. maybe more to malas nak bercakap nak senyap ajer... so kalau tetiba me senyap skjp.. just abaikan ajer.. chuka cangat dimanjakan.. and can be very childish at one time when with parents and close friends.. suka sangat nyendeng nyendeng.. very clinging hik hik.. jln jln kena pegang tangan takut hilang.. hahaha.. not logic rite.. ~wink~ ~wink~ hahahaha... but sometime can be very independent, when needed only lor.. ala ala corporate woman la konon.. hik hik.. my bad is.. i really bad in road direction.. i pun tak tahu la kenapa.. especially in kl though dah bertahun duduk sana. mmg pergi mana2 ada la saper saper yg kena jadik driver i.. nasib la korang yerk.. hik hik.. sometime can be very clumsy when the time i busy sgt. tinggal barang la, jln pun mcm nak jatuh la, bawak kereta macam org mabuk la ditambah dengan kebluran tahap maximum nyer.tak tahu la apa nak jadik.. ~sigh~ tu sebab prefer using public transport kalau nak pi mana - mana. unless ada org temankan.. me loovvessssss book.. also tak suka orang ganggu kalau i tgh khusyuk buat kerja.. tapi kalau dah orang datang bersembang. layankan ajer.. hik hik..my fav words is ... "eeeeee! comelnya! geramnya!" if you hang out ngan i.. surely you will hear this word come out from my mouth.. confirm.. hik hik.. i'm a die hard fan of pink. mcm dah ketinggalan zaman but still girls nature suka pink kan. tapi kalau takda pink.. anyhing with striking colors will do..see.. told ya i love to talk.. ini baru typing.. tak dgr lagi i ckp hik hik.. sure mcm train nyer.. tut! tut! hik hik hik .. add me in kay.. see ya.. ~muah...sss~

My Interests

i loove shooping.. reading novels.. travelling (even know i;m working at one of the malaysia's fav tourism place).. shopping again. and shopping again.. lepas tu i suka swimming. tapi kat tempat i ni tak da public pool. air terjun ada la.. kekeke

I'd like to meet:

i would like to meet everyone in here.. hye ages doesnt matter rite.. friends friends.. anyone who dont mind hearing me chit chatting all day long (you wont get bored for sure! hahaha).. saper saper yang a whole lot of novel.. so nanti bila2 i nak beli buku cerita baru i leh mintak opinion buku mana yg best. yg suka hang out minum minum ke..


~anything that can move my hipss~ baby can you shake like that.. ouuu you can make a woman goes mad.. so be wise.. (shakira's)


tokyo drift.. seta!! kekeke


csi, charmed..


i just love horror and crime stuff kinda of novel.... ex. stephen king and john grisham...

My Blog

Di Dada ku Ada Kamu

i really really like this song,... dengarkan lah.. ini lirik nyer.. the title is Title : Di Dadaku ada Kamu Singer : Ratu   di dadaku .. ada senyummu ada cintamu .. ada hasratmu ada kumismu .. a...
Posted by ~Arina da' ChEekY SmiLE MeoWoaH~ on Sat, 13 May 2006 08:32:00 PST

my life.. part two

my life... part 2 my life... i am trying to get my life back. try to put all the pieces together in one piece again. i love my life now. i have someone who love me a lot. i have someone who taking car...
Posted by ~Arina da' ChEekY SmiLE MeoWoaH~ on Tue, 09 May 2006 06:02:00 PST

my life... part 1

~~tired~~ i am tired today.. really tired too many work.. well.. that is why call life.. we live to work.. hik hik.. i am bored with my life now. feel like to quit everything. everything i ever work ...
Posted by ~Arina da' ChEekY SmiLE MeoWoaH~ on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 05:02:00 PST

tgk la..

Posted by ~Arina da' ChEekY SmiLE MeoWoaH~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST