cooking and food, drawing, social phobias, people watching, gossip, pedicures, fresh herbs in floral arrangements, black-eyed susans, daisies, i dont like purple roses. steakums. the smell of baby powder. olive oil soap. glassware, table cloths and napkins. someone to brush my hair. someone to tie my shoes really tight.pork bbq, vodka gimlets, and champagne cocktails. brunch. postcards, stationary, other people's handwriting, food you can eat with your hands. puppies. crafts, knitting, crocheting, sewing, book arts, letterpress, my new cooper black wooden L (for laura), baseball, well actually beer and hotdogs, always giving too much information, kissing boys, (parenthesis) my cat, free chips and salsa, orange (or green) salt water taffy, gummi bears, i don't like reese's peanut butter cups, but i do like reese's pieces, surprises, forcing bulbs, the cat sleeping in a drawer, mcsweeneys, i dont like spiders at all. art openings, the upper west side, dinner with friends, catching up, guilt. long talks about nothing. mysterious chocolate on my ankle, watching tv with kevin (although i am not sure the feeling is mutual) netflix, old movies, 1/2 hour of reading every night at least, new habits, skim cappuccino–lots of foam.cheddar cheese shake on my popcorn. popcorn. professional hustlers, the polonaise.
a joke-ster
breakfast at tiffany's, funy face, LUCAS, Annie Hall, Annie, Sabrina, y tu mama también (4 the sex) In Cold Blood. casablanca, two for the road, delicatessen, starsky & hutch, zoolander, Brazil, The Big Lebowski,
Brothers & Sisters, Antiques Roadshow, Nature, The Family Guy, NOVA, One Tree Hill, Freaks & Geeks.
The Magic Mountain, I Know this Much is True, Yellow Raft on Blue Water, Remembrance of Time Past, Just Checking, my book on mosquitos, and non-fiction travel memoirs. cook books about the many possibilities of cream cheese. heartbreaking work of staggering genius, valley of the dolls (it was good)
june wayne, senefelder