Harry Potter Meme of All Memes by Osaku
House Ravenclaw
Wand Mahogany, 12", Veela Hair
Best Course Charms
Worst Course Spell Theory
Pet Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
Patronus Kangaroo
Quidditch Job Mediwizard
Wizard Candy Bertie Botts every Flavour Beans (Mmm! Toenail!)
Profession After School Auror I get the giggles really badly, so that when I try to explain what I'm laughing at, I can't, because I'm laughing too much. I have dreams nearly every night, and I always remember them. I'm fed up of hearing the words "random", "mental", "wasted" and "legend". Disney films constituted a large portion of my education and emotional development. I like singing, so I don't use mp3 players, because I end up singing really loudly on the train.