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Ima Lion

Imkay Is Gay...

About Me

Holding On To Broken Dreams And Wants And Needs, I Decide To Grow Up, Smash Everything, Paint Over My Walls. And Move On.
It's prob the time to say I live off Mc Donalds, Frappes, Red Bull and Hemp :).
I impress people by throwing rubbish out windows.
Dancing with randoms on friday nights.
And generally assuming everyone wants to be my new best friends.
I'm like a learner driver, slow and cautious but ready to floor it.
My Drug Of Choice is a lady named Cath. Clowns, Chickens, Trick Questions and All. She Gets me Higher then I knew possible. "u sit in a moving object that takes u to places" yeah Cath, Thats what driving is.
Drink Of Choice is a man named Belinda. If you know her, you'll understand, if not, you're really missing out.
I am a really bad speller. And an even worse... grammer?
I walk around saying I hate everything. I don't really. Maily just things I don't understand.
If i'm speaking me probably joking. I don't hate you, think you're fat or like your hair.
I have a boy best friend. He wears size 6 pants from supre JJ's.
Boys are better with tattoos and piercings.
I'm going to get my [insert anything here] pierced just so I have more then Catherine!
I watch seinfeld. And Crime Channel.
And pretty much drink 3 frappes every day.
I Am crew member of the 1st quarter. Sucked in to everyone else I work with becuase i'm clearly better!
I like this boy, He goes to uni and work and takes me to amazing places. One day it will snow on us. I hope!
2 and a half years of love. With the uni boy. The Basketball boy. The dentist Boy.
Bree, I miss you!
Your mother prob likes me more then she likes you.
My taste in boys is lacking. Boys who; ride skate boards, drive fast, eat maccas, smoke pot, have long hair, drink tea, say cunt and graffiti shit. My Perfect Man.
Oh and blowing bubbles in milkshakes is good too :)

My Interests

Shit My Profile Is Boring :]


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|| Kimbo Jones ||
I am from the shire. But it's not my entire life. That doesn't mean i'm a stupid bitch because i'm not in love with the shire [Yes I have 'Shire Pride'] I go to school i'm in year 11 at Menai High. I just got a new job working at Maccas. I don't drink, or smoke. And I don't think you're cool if you do. If you get to know me and decide you don't like me, all power to ya. If you don't know a thing about me and you think you hate me, you're really missing out. I really like skating [I'm not very good but I try and I love it] I love photography. I can take fine photos but nothing to be framed. I find things I like and stick to them like there is no tomorrow. Food, Activites, People, whatever. If I like it then it will become 'my new thing.' And I really don't care how much you hate it. Becuase i will still enjoy it. Myspace isn't my entire life. If you have seen me on myspace and you see me in real life come and talk to me, that way we actually know each other. Not just 'myspace friends.'Whatever you think about me, you are probably very wrong. Only my closest friends can say they really know me. And chances are I don't concider you to be a terribly close friend of mine. I only have a few. And they mean everything to me. I have good friends as well, they are different to extremely close friends. I love them all so much and they all mean a lot to mean in different ways. I have an absolutly spectacular boyfriend. He means more to me then even he realises. Everyone deserves someone special and i'm so glad to have found him. To be totally honest, I don't think some people are worth my time. But you have to do something pretty horrible to me [or my friends] for me to think that of you. I believe in giving second chances. I know we all make mistakes and it really sucks when you make one and you loose something important to you. Having said i do beleive in giving second chances I will most likly hold a grudge against you for quite a while. So many things inspire me in different ways. People. Art. Music. Some people have the power to bring me to my knees with out any effort at all. I would much rather listen to my [currently broken] ipod then talk to you. People are always getting mad at me for not listening to them. Sometimes I just drift off and think about other things that are much less important then what is right in front of my face. I think that is one of my worse qualities. I usually speak my mind and don't think twice. I don't regret things. I have learnt to realise that things change and people change with them, nothing can stay the same forever so you have to love it while you have it becuase it wont be like that forever.
Live For Today.
Laugh Like Nothing Else.
Love Like You Have Nothing To Loose.
Bree Is My Number 1 Myspace Friend.... She Loves me...
-What is the worst thing about number 1?
when she yells at randoms and i stand their awkwardly feeling sorry for them having to endure kim's wrath.
-Has number 1 ever met your mother?
yes. mrs barwiseford. [That is my secret pet name for Bree's mumma
-What is the best memory you have with number 1?
every second when im with her -Say something nice about number 1.
incredible hand-holder.
Yeh It's Love
I am so fucking sick of all the [hardcore] [punk] [rebel] [goth] [bandslut] wannabes!
Please just get over it. No one goes 'oh wow check out that chick she is listen to scareamo metal really loud on her ipod fuck she is cool'
I'll tell you a little something, listen to your music so loud everyone else can hear it is not cool, it doesn't make you like wow too cool I don't care what anyone thinks... IT MAKES YOU ANNOYING
And to all the girls who think if you wear black, look like a slut and say you love music.... you're still not awesome!