The heavy bomb threat (an O/G Greyline product) was recruited by "Sickness". This is a secret organization only known by the true. This was while she was serving as the C.O. of the U.S.A.F. Heavy Bomb Division in Misawa Japan.
Once state-side code name: Heavy Bombs was assigned to the C.P.B.A. (Certified Professional Breeders Association a licensed kennel facility) Soon after her arrival at Certified another agent was recruited by Sickness and sent to the C.P.B.A also.
He was a - young -black –hustler, straight off of the co-nahs. The S.F.H to be exact. He was a Dela Cruz product and all that Certified would need to become sick. Code name: Heavy Bones he and Heavy Bombs would work undercover at the C.P.B.A.
Why were they sent there in the first place??? What was their mission??? For Heavy Bombs A.K.A. PR Certified Brianna Bluegood WPC1, her mission was to increase chest size, overall thickness and muscle mass.
For Heavy Bones A.K.A. PR Certified Black Shaq WPC2, his mission was to add head size, and bone density. Additionally, his primary objective was to give the Certified bloodline a gene pool that would ultimately bred true to the blue color.
These two would soon become the foundation of the Certified bloodline. Over the next 10 years they would represent Sickness to the fullest!!! They knew these two would produce sick, sick, pits, but they had no idea.
The only word that comes close to describing what happen once they bred is "Ballistic". It was in-sane!!! Once the puppies hit the ground they blew apart the entire C.P.B.A. compound. Nothing was left standing. The ground was left burning like hell fire. Then suddenly it happened.
It wasn't just one sick pit that came out of the fire. It was one after another. Certified is about to straight, rip-ride drop the blue bomb and blow cali straight off the west side.