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The Why Because

New CD Out Now: The Maze Changes (Musicshapes 004)

About Me

A musical collective of an amorphous nature, The Why Because are improvisers, explorers, alchemists, and seekers of new realms... Group personnel has evolved over time since their inception in 2002, allowing for consistently variable interactivity with each new recording or live show. The improvising skills of key members have been honed through several years of playing together in various contexts stretching back as far as the mid-1990's.
Inspired by everything from avant-rock, jazz, dub, and traditional world musics to ambient and electronic music, cinematic scores, found sounds, noise, and experimental sound art, The Why Because utilize various improvisational and compositional approaches and an eclectic array of instrumentation (including some homemade percussive devices) to create an unusually textured and imaginative form of music which defies easy classification. Ultimately interested in fusing elements from various existing genres of music together in order to create new hybrid musical forms, they aim to create an organic, cosmic soundworld which exists at the crossroads of the ancient past and the distant future.
Due to the improvised nature of their live sets, no two performances are ever alike. They have shared the stage with a number of diverse artists, including Valet, Climax Golden Twins, Glenn Jones (Cul De Sac), The Drift, MV/EE (ex-Tower Recordings), Silver Summit, Good For Cows, Inca Ore, Odd Nosdam, O-Type, Eats Tapes, Moodring, irr. app. (ext)., Bunky, Triangle, Painted Cakes, Flying, (VxPxC), Voices, Bulbs, Wobbly, Father Murphy, Sean Smith, Capillary Action, The Loyd Family Players, and Nathan Hubbard.

The Why Because have released 4 CDs on their own Musicshapes label, with a few more releases currently being prepared. Please feel free to contact the band regarding booking inquiries, to purchase recordings, to network for touring/releases/compilations, or anything else here on myspace or at thewhybecause (at) gmail (dot) com
004 - 'The Maze Changes' was finished in October of 2008 on the eve of an East Coast Tour. Clocking in at roughly 48 minutes, it features the core trio and contains three recent tracks created at home in the studio and four excerpts from live performances.
Spray-painted CD-r housed in a plastic sleeve with printed color insert. 2008 release. $6 postpaid in the US.

003 - 'Musicshapes' is a 55 minute long set of improvisations recorded by a sextet featuring Marty Dowers and Dax Pierson from Subtle, with no overdubs. Recorded summer of 2004 during the first meeting of this particular incarnation of the group, about 6 months before the accident which left Dax paralyzed. A portion of the sales from this CD go to the Dax Recovery Fund.
CD in jewel case with hand glued cover photo fragment (each one is unique). 2006 release. $10 postpaid in the US.
002 - 'Impermanent Alloys' is an eclectic album (about 54 minutes of music total) culled from a series of improvisations during the period of 2002-2004, with some slight studio touches added in a few places. Features contributions from members of several notable Bay Area artists, including Birds & Batteries, The Yellow Press, OKR, The Mothballs, Conspiracy of Beards, and Flimsy Vessels...
Limited CD-r in black cardboard jacket w/sticker and hand-glued individual nature photo clippings. Released in 2005. $6 postpaid in the US.
001 - 'Universal Evolution' has a 32 minute live recording from 2003 featuring a 10-piece version of the group, plus another 13 minute ambient piano and electronics track from the duo of Michael Henning and Josh Russell.
Limited CD-r in black cardboard jacket w/sticker and unique pen art covers. 2004 Release. $6 Postpaid in the US.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/27/2005
Band Members: Currently, the core trio of The Why Because is Michael Henning, Gabriel Raines, and Brian Relph, but we occasionally have a few guests here and there...............

Past, Present, and Future members, guests, and collaborators: Raj Ojha (aka OKR), Ryan Miyashiro, Dave Sloves, Counterwave K, Michael Shaw, Erin Raines, Erika Hauskens, Josh Russell, Dan Wooldridge, Brian Michelson, Elisa Ferrari, Tim Wilson, Marty Dowers, Dax Pierson, Angela Hsu, Marcy Saude, Craig Detwiler, Billy Sprague (aka Galena), Jonah Tice, Juan "Wonway" Amador, Ayentee, Ben Knight, Nathan Hubbard...
Influences: Sound in general, the history of sound and music, the nature of sound, the sounds of nature, the nature of life, the lives we live... pretty much anything and everything is inspiring to us in some way...

As for music, musicians, and artists, some of our favorites include: Can, Sun Ra, Mimir, This Heat, Faust, Boredoms, Idyll Swords, Harry Partch, Codona, Gamelan music, Frequency, Alice Coltrane, King Tubby, Bird Show, Gang Gang Dance, Bayon, African drumming, John Giorno, Caetano Veloso, Art Ensemble of Chicago, James Joyce, Herbie Hancock, Conrad Schnitzler, Peter Whitehead, David Lynch, Cul De Sac, Indian Ragas, AMM, Wong Kar-Wai, Lou Harrison, Cluster, Brian Eno, Juana Molina, Flying Saucer Attack, Akron/Family, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Chris Watson, Bembeya Jazz, The Orb, Luigi Russolo, John Fahey, Mbira music, Rollerball, Os Mutantes, Black Dice, White Rainbow, Thelonious Monk, Fennesz, Italo Calvino, MEV, Amon Tobin, Harry Bertoia, John Cage, Tom Waits, Georges Braque, No-Neck Blues Band, Bobby Hutcherson, Alexander Jodorowsky, Califone, Neu!, Lee Perry, My Bloody Valentine, the Secret Museum of Makind series, OOIOO, Duke Ellington, Cosmic Jokers, Glenn Kotche, Talk Talk, Morton Feldman, Physics, The Books, Orchestra Baobab, Public Enemy, The Band, Stan Brakhage, Gastr Del Sol, Miles Davis, Tortoise, The Fall, Tim Hecker, Creation Rebel, Annie Gosfield, George Russell, Harmonia, Don Cherry, Animal Collective, Gilberto Gil, Mountains, Edgar Varese, Noam Chomsky, Cerberus Shoal, Talking Heads, Valet, Erkin Koray, Dorothy Ashby, Climax Golden Twins, Richard Delaunay, Mouse on Mars, Fela Kuti, Thuja, Chris Marker, Clogs, Timet, Seefeel, 23 Skidoo, Charles Mingus, Sun City Girls, Neil Young, Richard Brautigan, Erik Satie, Curtis Mayfield, Toru Takemitsu, Sublime Frequencies collections, Godspeed You Black Emperor!, and lots of other weird psychedelic stuff, world music, exotica, field recordings, recordings of early 78rpm records, sound collages, musique concrete, tape music, noise... etc.
Sounds Like: Abstraction, Evolution, Synthesis, Dissolution, Rebirth, Growth, Bliss, Revolution, Nature, Cities, Robots, Trains, Oceans, Deserts, Sky, Space...

What some reviewers have said:

The ever-changing roster of the impressive ensemble known as The Why Because is graced with numerous music luminaries from around the Bay Area. The line-up for Music shapes, their third release, is a six member crew including folks from Anticon/Lex avant-hoppers Subtle and Themselves. The disc's five lengthy improvised tracks (recorded live back in 2004) explore the far reaches of jazz, postrock, psych/space rock and ambient experimentation. And they incorporate an even broader array of instruments with trumpet, saxophone and percussion taking prominence amid the Fender Rhodes, other keyboards, bass clarinet, guitar, bass and melodica. Music shapes commences with "Fenced Bird Takes Flight" a barren landscape of faintly blown horns and Spartan drumming. This gradually blossoms into a more fleshed out and sprawling journey with many mesmerizing and meditative stretches as well as more kinetic cyclical passages. - Aquarius Records

Bringing to mind the spacious explorations of electric Miles Davis, the oddball structures and sounds of Gang Gang Dance, the repetition of Can, and even some funk and hip-hop influences as well. Their long list of influences may have played some part in the long run, but in reality, there is very little quite like The Why Because. Though only five tracks long, Musicshapes is a lengthy release, carrying each song with loose structures into unforeseen horizons. Truly captivating stuff. -

It takes a terribly large amount of talent to pull off what The Why Because has done together on this album. It would take a group of average musicians years to fine tune the work that this collective created in one evening together. This is definitely a scene to keep an eye on. "8 out of 10" - The Silent Ballet
Record Label: Musicshapes
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New Tracks + upcoming shows in LA and Santa Barbara

Hello all...We've got some new tracks up on our page and would love to have you hear them and even give us some feedback if you're so inclined. Two brand new ones from a recent live show and one sligh...
Posted by The Why Because on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:54:00 PST

House of Love RIP

So, we played the very last House of Love Cabaret about last Sunday and it was a blast. Great performances all around, a wonderful vibe, and good supportive people. The venue and the joy and creativit...
Posted by The Why Because on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 09:06:00 PST

Press clips for ’Musicshapes’ CD

Here are some press clips from our last album. It's a pity that I never archived the one from (which seems to have disappeared), since it was a rather funny review involving an imaginary...
Posted by The Why Because on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 08:54:00 PST

'Musicshapes' CD ordering info and more...

Our new CD 'Musicshapes' is available for purchase. Currently you can get one from or directly from us (we'll do mailorder for $10 ppd in the US, slightly more if you live elsewher...
Posted by The Why Because on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 09:15:00 PST