i think everybody should watch this.its made with a video game, yes, and it's kinda long, yeah, but still. watch it. it makes you think, it gets the mind going.well i guess i'll introduce myself.
i am Shaun Farkas, the first.
im going to tell you a shitload of information you probably dont give a fuck about.i was born in El Paso, TX on January 7th, 1993. i later moved to Orange County where i spent 4 years of my existance. i then moved to Riverside,California, which isnt that far from Los Angeles. i spent the next ten years in party hard mode, and learning how to smoke weed and drink beer, cause that's all us californians do(at least, according to a popular stereotype). now after those ten years i was forced to move to Shit Town, Shitlinois, where i shovel shit for a living in corn fields. i'm a freshman at the most interestingly named school of all time, Charleston High School,and i most likely dont know you. but if i do, hi. hows it going. hows the kids?yeah as you can see, im a fucking idiot. but fuck if i care. im VERY protective of friends. especially ones i feel conected to, like if i think of them as family or something, so dont fuck with em and you'll be fine.alright. this has been me acting like a dickhead.
good bye,asshole.
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