family, dawgz, alcohol, SCHOOL, $, golf, gym, bball, fball, beaches, snowboarding, pool, darts, of coursE ladiez, carZ/trUckZ, funnY sHiT, rAiDeRz, A's,LaKerZ, poKer, Washington St8 University COllege of pHArmacy CLASS OF 2009!!!!!!AND i cant 4get to represent NORCAL-from the 831 2 tha 916.
hip hop(psychological records crew, living legendz, 3-6 mAfIa, big L, gANg sTaR, mid to late 90z west coast both nor and so cal, commercial rap 2day is garbage, ras kass, jedi mind tRIckZ,CAnnIbUs, cOmmOn, cOPYwriTE, dJ QuiK, hIeroGlyPhiCz, nOrEaga b4 raygayton,lol, XzibIt-restLESS and b4) , alterantive, r &B, dance (trance and house..only sum)....anything with good is pretty much garbage
sports, sports and more sportz......comedy